I remain optimistic in general but can already hear the gears turning for the huge drug industry visualizing a chronic annual covid vaccination cash cow not unlike today's flu shots. We already have multiple variant flu shots, and since we don't have a common cold vaccine, Covid also a coronavirus may not be so clean cut.
I have read reports of not enough first pass covid vaccine to go around, and simultaneously how many people are expected to refuse vaccination which may cancel each other out (unlikely to be that neat or drama free). If covid mainly kills old people it seems that group needs the more aggressive prophylaxis.
Trying to imagine a post covid future, or whatever the next pandemic gets called, I am still optimistic about a lower cost short wavelength (far UVc) light that is human safe, but deadly to microbes. Not ready for prime time now, but maybe next time.
Social distancing and mask wearing, was mainly meant to bend the curve to not overload hospital capacity, not a long term solution.