This thread about DB54 diode bridge compressor.
It's based around Neve 2254 but not a blind clone.
It's available as diy kits for those who are interesting in building their own compressor:
kit contain BA185, BA191, BA283 boards, board for joining BA cards, face board for switches and 24V psu board.
More info:
Some additional info here:
Build info here:
12.06.16 - topic start
21.09.16 - first run, check Reply #41 for video!
05.10.16 - fully calibrated and works as it should, check Reply #48 for more info.
10.11.16 - samples added! Check reply#71 and #73
25.03.17 - assemble gude added. Check reply#126 and further
12.10.18 - 9 kits left from third batch
22.10.19 - we start to order 4th batch of DB54
As a couple years ago I was really inspired by original 2254, I've started to explore its schematic and construction. Now, after about 8 month of lazy processing I've got some results that I hope very soon will be materialises in to the real piece of gear!
During my explore I’ve decided to get best from vintage, save mojo approach as possible, extract some not useful function and add some additional options multiplied by modern approach.
And here is what I’ve got:
- first of all I’ve recreated original BA cards - 185, 191 and 283, I hope that save some vintage “mojo”. Using same 18pin connectors give possibilities of using vintage cards that sometimes can be found on evilbay.
- one mono unit will feat into 1U
- limiter function was deleated, compressor only
- all wires between BA cards was replaced with pcb
- additional variable attack times (original has fixed on 5mS)
- additional faster release times
- meter off switch. Yeah, that's my own freaking function. It stay compressor in action but turn off the gain reduction meter. It let me concentrate on the sound and hearing it with ears not eyes))
- relay bypass
Unit will need three transformers (31267, 10468, 1166), three BA cards - 185, 191 and 283 and outboard power supply.