Deaths from climate change

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What he said was smart almost... suggesting a "free market" true cost based energy approach, but as we have seen the talking heads have funny ideas about the actual real cost of things, often loading in, and/or ignoring significant costs.

He is IMO an unelectable politician with strong family name recognition who could serve as a 3rd party spoiler stealing votes from the democrats, and maybe stealing a few from the republicans if he keeps up the free market talk.

Some of it makes sense. But then he falls again for over simplification. And I can't always understand him, or the questions asked. Then again, if you have to choose the lesser evil, he'll wind up on top.

When it comes to nuclear, he's close to the elephant in the room: the enormous number of incidents, leaks and disasters. The incidents often are overlooked, while the cost of cleaning up easily runs in the billions for some. Nuclear is fine, as long as there are no humans around to make mistakes...
Well, RFK speach problem wasn't as bad as the recording setup. Some questions from the public were inaudible and he didn't repeat them. So his answer fell a bit in a void...
Oh, it was interesting. He's smarter than the average politician. But the show was clearly not managed too well.

That could be a good thing, if it means he doesn't accept money from anyone who can be suspected of trying to buy the next presidency.

It's also clear some use any argument against clean energy. The blades from windmills, fi have been recycled (by Veolia) for a number of years now. And it's kind of obvious solar plants need land. A number of new developments will render that argument moot. Glass that contains solar cells are being sold already and you can put solar cells on rooftops. But that gets completely ignored by the nay-sayers. Some people love to complain and point out every obstacle, in stead of developing solutions. Those people are in the way of progress. It's as simple as that.

My next project could be recycling. Batteries, computers... anything that can be reused. We've already reached high levels of household waste recycling, industrial is next.
nypost said:
Over and over, the litany of causes is the same: inflation, higher interest rates that drive up capital costs and severe kinks in the supply chain.
Inflation has raised LCOE for every type of power generation (because of course it did). Swing and a miss. Natural gas plants are especially sensitive to steel pricing, so have been hit hardest by inflation in steel prices.

The problem is that wind is competing with other renewables, which have plummeted in price to the point that it's getting harder to justify wind over solar. PV raw cells have finally dropped below 10c per W after aggressive cost optimizing by Chinese vendors like Trina and LONGi, which means if solar comes first it will price out nearly every other renewable (and nearly every other generation form for that matter).
Did I hear that Finland put a nuclear reactor online recently and drop energy prices by 75% or is that just internet noise. I see it cost 3 times the original estimate (11B euros)and 14 years to build.
Yep. Reuter's is reporting this 1.6 GW plant as the largest in Europe. Needless to say it isn't.

The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine is between 5 and 6 GW.

Maybe Ukraine isn't part of Europe for Reuter's?
Yep. Reuter's is reporting this 1.6 GW plant as the largest in Europe. Needless to say it isn't.
Read more carefully. It is the largest reactor, not plant. Many/most nuclear power plants will have 2-4 reactors.

The Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine is between 5 and 6 GW.
And uses six reactors to achieve that.

Maybe Ukraine isn't part of Europe for Reuter's?
Definitions and terminology have meaning.
A 1/4 mile long charging roadway is not exactly my idea. I would love to see the roadway capable of powering vehicles over distance, while this would be hugely expensive. This same Israeli company has other installations around the world.

Inductive EV chargers might be nice for interstate rest stops, where the parking spaces could recharge vehicles while people eat a meal or whatever. Similarly workplace charging coils could be placed under parking lots. Slow charging coils could be smaller and cheaper.

Actually there are 5 pillars under attack: The fifth is bodily autonomy.

Shellenberger concludes with perhaps the most poignant thought of the whole discussion:

“What gives me hope is that I think it’s finally becoming obvious to people that it’s a scam...
...and that the people that are pushing this really hate civilization, or at least they hate civilization for others.
They want it only for themselves and that they’re in the grip of a really dogmatic cult philosophy.
I mean, I think it’s fair to call it a death cult at this point, when you’re stifling energy supplies that are necessary to keep people alive...
I don’t know what else to call it other than an anti-human death cult.”

Carlson replies:
"that's right. It's not environmentalism. It's the snarling face of tyranny."

I've been saying all along its a death cult.
When are you peeps going to start listening?

I recall it was crazydoc who awarded me with a tin foil hat for claiming upper atmosphere weather modification exists.

Facts are bad news for the cult of weather modification deniers.

In fact, NH is considering legislation to ban it over their state.
So I again stand by my original statement that if the globalist scum weren't spraying this crap in the upper atmosphere we wouldn't be talking about man-made climate change.

Gullible self-loathing liberals allow the globalists to blame them for what the globalists themselves are actually doing.
404 page not found error... [edit- link started working /edit]

NH Representatives File Bill To Stop Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and Other Forms of Weather Engineering Experiments such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) in New Hampshire's Atmosphere | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Guest post by New Hampshire Representative Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19 Two motivated NH House Representatives, Jason Gerhard, Merrimack – District 25, and Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19, have introduced “The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act” NH House Bill (HB) 1700.

They previously passed legislation requiring public notice if atmospheric experiments were being conducted. Nobody reported any such behavior, so they decided to pass legislation outlawing it?
Rain makers have seeded clouds for a very long time. It's not nice to fool (with) mother nature so they better be very sure about what they are doing. It seems that experimenting first would be prudent.

I recall it was crazydoc who awarded me with a tin foil hat for claiming upper atmosphere weather modification exists.
Don't take that hat off - it doesn't exist (yet).

From your link (and you should try to read it):
Existing research is not a preparatory measure for deployment,
and the U.S. Government is not currently engaged in outdoor testing or deployment.

Those who believe the "chemtrails" are part of SRM (you apparently) are batshit looney tunes.
It has been reported (only very recently) that the reduction in sulphur in shipping fuels (the reduction started a few years ago) may well be contributing to warming. Good old-fashioned unintended consequences. Makes me feel like a bourbon cocktail.

This warming from reduction in aerosols appears to be gaining broad acceptance. The changes in forcing are being related to ship tracks (chemtrails by another name).

A link to an article
Paywalled, unfortunately.

From Twitter ()


(As an added bonus you can get a visualisation of the Middle Eastern shipping bottleneck from the pretty chemtrails).

Here is another article about ship tracks and the effects on forcing.
This one is not paywalled, extract from introduction below:

"Ship-tracks were first observed in early weather satellites as “anomalous cloud lines” (1) more than 55 years ago. They appear as quasi-linear tracks in marine low cloud fields (Fig. 1). Detection of ship-tracks in satellite data relies on a reflectance contrast between background and ship-track clouds (Fig. 1). The existence and detection of the contrast depend on various factors such as the wavelength of the observation and the background properties of cloud and aerosols, tiny suspended airborne particles (25). Hence, although ship emissions can affect low clouds by increasing aerosol concentrations, not all of them produce detectable ship-tracks. Ship-emitted aerosols produce ship-tracks by increasing the concentration of droplets in marine low clouds, which makes them appear brighter (6, 7), the so-called aerosol indirect effects. Aerosol indirect effects act as a radiative forcing to Earth’s climate by modifying cloud reflectance and amount and thus affecting Earth’s energy balance (8, 9). The aerosol indirect forcing partially counterbalances the radiative forcing caused by greenhouse gases." [emphasis added]

In my considered opinion any attempt at SRM is nucking futz. Naturally then I am assuming it is going to happen (invest now).

My prediction, the first efforts (of the international coalition of good guys) will be hailed unilaterally as saving the world. The efforts will be redoubled. Nations states will start getting in on the act, the law of unintended consequences kicks in, and then BAM! end of the world.

If you want to know the rest, ask ChatGPT to write you a cheesy end of the world Hollywood film script where only us NZers manage to survive except for the South Island which topples into the ocean from the weight of all the underground bunkers around Queenstown that were built by billionaires.

Wait a minute that gives me an idea... maybe it would even be a better script if AI took control of the cloud/temperature control mechanism???

NB: I used the journals "Nature" and "Science" as references for those who feel the need to have sufficient authority to which to genuflect. Personally, I do not think these journals are quite the publications they once were (they used to be revered throughout academia).
Don't take that hat off - it doesn't exist (yet).

From your link (and you should try to read it):
Existing research is not a preparatory measure for deployment,
and the U.S. Government is not currently engaged in outdoor testing or deployment.

Those who believe the "chemtrails" are part of SRM (you apparently) are batshit looney tunes.
They've been spraying for well over 20 years now and the WH publication and others normalize what they are already doing. I would rather be batshit looney tunes than be a clueless you.

Nobody reported any such behavior, so they decided to pass legislation outlawing it?
Maybe its because criminals lie and their behavior is actually seen over NH.

Why are there increasing amounts of aluminum in the soil? Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Up to 100 megatons of sulfur dioxide, calcium carbonate and other "proprietary compounds" in just this one contract.

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@57sputnik I seldom venture to this INSANE portion of the forum, but I clicked wrong.

Please send me a blank "NOAA FORM 17-4" so I can fill it in myself.

"Project or activity" : Causing galactic mass flatulence due to 10000000 Teratons of jalapeno pepper juice released into every fresh water well and surface water reservoir supply in the Milky Way.
@57sputnik I seldom venture to this INSANE portion of the forum, but I clicked wrong.

Please send me a blank "NOAA FORM 17-4" so I can fill it in myself.

"Project or activity" : Causing galactic mass flatulence due to 10000000 Teratons of jalapeno pepper juice released into every fresh water well and surface water reservoir supply in the Milky Way.
We have launched 40 balloons and neutralized 9,036 ton-years of warming. Source: Who

What we have here are a group of people in The Brewery who are so demonstrably uninformed they call anyone pointing out what is already being done as crazy.

What if I told you they were also sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere and storing it underground?
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What we have here are a group of people in The Brewery who are so demonstrably uninformed they call anyone pointing out what is already being done as crazy.
Do you find that your insults help convince people to accept your arguments?
What if I told you they were also sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere and storing it underground?
Pretty widely reported in the actual news. Big oil is looking to pump CO2 into depleted oil wells, and get green credits.

Ironically perhaps their efforts are limited by poor availability of pipelines to move the captured CO2, thanks to the climate warriors.


PS: Consider changing your avatar if you want to appear more credible.
Big oil is looking to pump CO2 into depleted oil wells, and get green credits.

CO2 has been used to flood depleted zones to raise the oil level for further pumping. When an oil field is exploited manu wells are drilled at varying depths. Water has been used but you have to transport or take the water from somewhere. CO2 can also be used under pressure. Being rewarded for using CO2 is a win for oil companies to get paid for doing something they view as an expense for doing daily operations.