build a Pultec EQP 1a and make it so you can try out different caps, ie, run some wires from the circuit where the cap goes and put some mini clips on the other end,
then get some Wima's, orange drops, ceramics, teflon if you have the money,
maybe throw some antique stuff in there like vitamin Q's,
the old black plastic caps with the way old school color band systems can be very leaky so i usually avoid those,
this is the best way to sort out different sounding caps over a variety of frequencies,
then after you get the filter section caps sorted, start noddling with the line amp, throw some musicaps on the plates of the 12ax/u7a,
then after that, try some oil caps in the power supply if you can find them, or some non polarized filter caps like a big mylar job rated at 450 volts,
so now you have non polarized EQ caps figured out,
you have tube amp circuit caps figured out,
and you have power supply caps figured out,
the only thing left is which Neve electrolytics to use,
this seems to be a flavor of the week thing, as lytics do have a shelf life,
a certain Nichicon that was great 15 years ago may not be so great,
however, i love the old blue Phillips lytics like you see in old Quad 8 boards, and other places,
for Fuzz boxes and condenser mics, you need to talk to Gus, he has the nice cap checker that does esr and fbi and cia etc,