Difference in sound between a AC701k and 6072A in a ELA M251?

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Double G

May 22, 2024
Los Angeles
I recently had the opportunity to compare my C414 EB with an original (untouched, except for some light dusting) brass CK12 to a real AKG made 251.

The studio I've been working out of has the 251. They told me it was maintained by Toby Foster and that he said it is one of the best sounding real 251s he's ever heard.

So of course the 414 was gonna lose. How could anyone expect this little solid state microphone to even compare to a $40000+, holy grail, Big Five legend of the industry? I was certainly not expecting the 414 to measure up.

Well, it did. At worst, they sounded nearly identical. At best, the 414 was subtly but noticeably bigger sounding with a richer low end. I was shocked.

They both went through the same mic cable and through the same exact preamp. I had to adjust the preamp because the 251 was much hotter. I used an iPhone playing a 1khz tone measured 4 inches from the mics to set the levels. It wasn't the most scientific but I at least took some measures.

The 251's capsule is 100% original. Never reskinned. Never disassembled. And it was the first time I can remember ever seeing a CK12 with black paint around the edge. I've seen the white/clear paint and the red.

It also has the 6072A tube in it. I've read that they don't sound as good as the AC701k.

If the 251 had a AC701k would it have beaten the 414? Or did I just happen to get really lucky with the capsule in this mic?

What are the general differences in sound between a AC701k and a 6072A?
Interesting ! What was the preamp ? And what do you mean by AKG made 251 ? AKG C12 or Telefunken 251 ?
The preamp was from one of the channels of an SSL AWS900 console.
It's an original Telefunken 251 which was made by AKG because Telefunken never made microphones. They just sold them and had their logo put on them. The current Telefunken actually makes their 251s.

As a side note, I just discovered that you can find Telefunken branded U67s. I always thought it was just the U47 that got the Telefunken branding.