Silvas said:My idea is to bypass the EQ, which is unbal in/bal out, and is located after the pre, which is unbal out, so, for now, i think i'm doing it with relays. Don't want switches, to keep things neat. That's 3 relays, one for polarity (located at the bal. output), one for selecting the EQ in (from pre / from dedicated unbal eq in), and another for the eq bypass. It's just an idea i have ATM, but i'm cooking a proto in the future and hear...Thanks guys !
benlindell said:Man... So after fighting with this thing for soo long, I can't find any 1U cases that it fits. Par-Metal are too small. Dan's new cases are just a little too small. Any one out there finish these up with a 1U casing that works? I'd like to avoid making these 2U if possible but I'll do it if no solution presents itself soon.
benlindell said:Man... So after fighting with this thing for soo long, I can't find any 1U cases that it fits. Par-Metal are too small. Dan's new cases are just a little too small. Any one out there finish these up with a 1U casing that works? I'd like to avoid making these 2U if possible but I'll do it if no solution presents itself soon.