Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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Just a note to those who ordered kits and chassis this week, my cnc developed an issue and i had to take her apart. Just got her back together and working a minute ago so I can now process back panels for those in question. Thanks

Also, there are more chassis on order for the SB4000 so they are now available for anyone who wants one.
i can take a chassis but i need to have 4 trs in the back or none but IEC.
Whats the height of the rack??
DO you include the front panel too??
are there any full kits left? I would buy a complete kit if possible... thanks!

EDIT: I am talking about a full sb4000 part kit inkl. meter and chassis shipped to germany btw  :)
alright! does this model feature the infamous "oxford" mod, btw? thanks - money will be sent next week.
It's benn a while now that you shipped me the Vu meter and the chassis. I didn't reiceved anything...

Could you check what happened ?

when I click on your link below or when I simply type in the address I get:

403 - Forbidden Error
You are not allowed to access this address.
If the error persists, please contact the website webmaster.

That is hella weird...I have no idea why that would be happening to you. Have you tried clearing your cache? Is anyone else having this issue? It works for me from multiple computers and on my phone...
Mylesgm - I'm going to contact my host to see what it may be, but in the meantime you are welcome to PM or e-mail me if there's something I can help you with.
