Well, you probably don't have an idea what it takes to make a clear and easy to use documentation for the build. And it gets more complicated as you add various options to the PCB. This duty should be on the PCBs supplier completely, especially if they don't disclose schematics.
As for a novice builders, if anybody happens to stumble upon the same problem as another builder AND bothers to write about it (and its solution) on the forum - you can consider yourself lucky. Nobody is obliged to support kits from another supplier.
When it comes to electronics (hardly my primary area of expertise), of course I don’t have a good sense of what it takes to put together good documentation. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be nice to have, which is all I was saying.
It’s odd. The hostility that should be directed toward Dr*p for their failings in providing clear documentation and support seems to often be misdirected at the people who need help with the builds once they realize what they’ve gotten into. Perhaps this is because those people are available to wag a finger at, while Dr*p is not (that’s part of the problem, after all).
I bought a number of Greg’s boards very early on in my electronics journey, being excited about the prospect of learning about tube circuits through them — again, not being aware of any of the gripes (at that time, I had only run across praise for the finished products). That was probably naïve for multiple reasons, but hey. Anyway, today, I’ve sold off most of the boards that I don’t think I would be able to figure out on my own (hell, I’ve still got one up in the BM, which actually has tons of docs but is too complicated and involved for me to confidently tackle) and I’m slowly working my through the one or two projects that feel doable to me.
I agree, it’s frustrating that Gregory does not provide the needed support for his projects and so people are forced to ask for help from others.
Lastly, because it seems that maybe you misunderstood this in my earlier post, I was in no way intimating that the forum should provide documentation to be used for Dr*p’s boards. I was saying that Ian’s [likely facetious] suggestion that “maybe we should create a small range of quality clone PCBs with decent documentation and put them out of business” sounded like a very preferable alternative.