Apologies for the delay, but i have updates! Or, well, at least one, anyway
In-between getting acquainted to living in my own house, i finally managed to eek out some time to populate a first board from this load - a cardioid-only OpAlice.
After a quick capsule-less test to sanity-check the supply voltages (and promptly discovering the brainfart of having installed the opamp the wrong way around - yes, happens to the best of us

), getting a bit over 39v at XLR pins2/3, which points towards ~2.6mA total current draw, using an OPA2991. Provisionally, i decided to bypass all the tone-shaping features, to only leave the bare minimum to troubleshoot, if needed.
Stuck the board into an already-slightly-modded Neewer NW700, and instantly noted a couple issues.
One is that, having placed the mounting holes so that the top edge of the boards goes right up to the bottom of the headbasket, it won't sit flush, due to to the macgyvering i needed to do, to fasten an LDC mount to the base plate. Which involved a bunch of moderately-sized washers... Oh well, i'll see about including a notch of some sort in that area.
Second, as i had stuck a 1/2" wide strip of rubber to the inside of the body tube (to quell down resonances) some time ago, i was slightly disappointed to discover the board's a bit too wide to fit inside the smaller inside-diameter of the rubber strip. Not much i can do about that, without sacrificing MXL2001 chassis compatibility. But perhaps if i taper down the board width just below the 2001 mounting holes...
But hey, that's what prototypes are for, right? Proof-of-concept and all that...
No extraneous noise upon a brief test, but then again, my chaotic work-room is far from a testbed for noise. But it works!

Capsule ends up seeing about 20v across it, so especially since it's a straight buffer (no gain), this won't be the most sensitive thing out there, but that's not the worst thing for drums and such, right?