I love the cello tape hanging from the bus loom. "Do not touch The Loom, don't even look at it!" is my first rule of EMI console maintenance. I would not have cut the hanging tape either. The magic in those desks is mainly the loom and the transformers.
But it looks like knackers are selling it- $3M+ on
reverb.com? Asking too much in a cheap store is not the way to maximize returns, they'll be lucky to get a third of that, along with the exponentially increased website hits. It has less than half as much "EMI stuff" as the Dark Side Abbey desk, which sold at auction with other music memorabilia.
Whoever missed out on the Dark desk (Grohl?*) can get this one for a lot less $$ and hassle. The Dark desk has more than TWICE the Plessy connectors/connections in it (read possible intermittency). The earlier desks have the bus loom straight across the cassette connectors, as you see in the photo. The Dark Side desk has a plessy-plessy cable going down from each cassette, connecting to a lower long box that houses The Loom. And I'm not sure if any of that is cello-taped. . .
* I have always imagined him in the bidding, cursing bloody murder the whole time at being out-bid, breaking small knick-naks at 500 thousand, throwing gold records at the telly at 750k, etc.
PS: this site is "losing" the cursor often, mid-typing, and I have to mouse-click back where I was typing. Is that happening to anyone else?