You need really long high capacitance cable to get HF rolloff. Most decent audio cables have very low capacitance anyway. Any unshielded cable is capable of becoming an antenna when connected to any semiconductor in a circuit which can act as a detector and will impart any AF that it carries into that circuit - as all circuitry refers to audio ground, there is a direct connection to any diodes or IC’s via ground in most cases, the ground cable itself can become an antenna and cause breakthrough into the signal path. The shield of an audio cable if part of the audio ground becomes an antenna which can inject interference - like unbalanced Hi-Fi cables. A properly set up audio system using balanced cables will have the internal ground cable connecting the audio boards plus of course your hot and cold cables, the shield of the cable connected to the plug and socket bodies and associated casework and mains earth, audio ground remaining unconnected to chassis until connected at a star ground where the mains earth is taken off - this way the interference from shielding and casework being carried straight to earth, does not enter the audio boards of any gear. Unshielded cable is a disaster around cell phones as when they regularly ping the cell tower you get radiated interference which is quite audible. Digital or audio signals transmitted via RF at reasonable power can break into audio circuits that are unshielded.