Food prices

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Coincidently I saw American Graffiti the other night and you got a nice 14" B/W tube TV for $169.99 circa the 1960 plot. That PV's out to $1,800 today. I did not catch the cost of a double chili burger, fries, and a cherry coke.
On top of the multiple self-inflicted inflationary pressures, there IS a war on beef, and it is reflected in a 100% increase in prices of what I buy. I have befriended hunters and supplement with some venison and elk. Damn good eatin'.
Venison is low fat so healthy but can be dry if cooked without oil, (coincidentally I saw a deer in my yard yesterday). I never cooked elk.
Most prepared food is up 50-75%, so it is a great time to learn to cook. Baked chicken pieces, $2.99 per lb vs $12.99 store baked. I learn new recipes just because I buy what's on sale. Shanks $4/lb made awesome ossobuco. That is a seed recipe for anything braised, so simple, and better than any restaurant.

Brian, you can't afford not learning to cook a bit. "rotisserie seasoning" is magic, and you make it with one part each salt, sugar, garlic, onion, paprika, cumin, coriander, and cayenne, black pepper, etc. if you like it hot. Wash chicken pieces, dry, toss in a bowl with olive oil to coat, sprinkle rotisserie, bake 350 deg 30 min per side, sprinkle extra if bare. Crisp at the broiler for 5 min if you like. I am doing 60 full wings for a fishing trip on Fri. It is really easy! If you like "jar pasta sauce" you can make your own with dry seasoning in 30 min without all the chemical crap in it. US shelf goods are total garbage these days anyway, made to keep from spoiling for 5 years. Web is full of simple recipes, DIY what you like and tweak it.
My pizza is not even the "Orban" of the food world, so I leave that to the professionals.
When I was a kid growing up we had to take turns cooking the evening meal because mother had a full time job. So I know how to cook.

Home made Pizza can be quite good. Pizza stones help. My oven only goes up to 500' but that works well enough for DIY pizza. The secret to pizza dough is getting the right 00 flour. Home made tomato sauce brings your pizza up a notch.

Everything is getting expensive.
Not just food prices. It’s one of many reason I cut down on diy experiments and things.
I feel for friends of mine who are basically broke and struggling to make ends meet in California’s major cities. It’s becoming non art friendly. Driving out the artists.
In LA it used to be easy to just get a burrito, cheap, filling, and tasty. Not anymore. I paid $16 for a.veggie burrito last week, and it wasn't that good. The times they are a changing.
There was a little Mexican restaurant called Gordon’s in Lakewood CO. It had been there since the 50’s. In the 80’s I was married with a baby. Three people would go there and eat and get out the door for $11 with a tip. (No alcohol). The food was great. You would order food and I swear it was on the table in less than 5 mins later. Great Guacamole. No wonder old people get cranky.
My last trip to Denver was a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to check out casa Bonita as I have heard the stories, also it’s now owned by the guys who created South Park, Anyway, I looked it up online and the price was super expensive for a fixed meal that didn’t look like it came close in size to the amount they were asking. Plus there was no show going on. was an easy pass.
There was a little Mexican restaurant called Gordon’s in Lakewood CO. It had been there since the 50’s. In the 80’s I was married with a baby. Three people would go there and eat and get out the door for $11 with a tip. (No alcohol). The food was great. You would order food and I swear it was on the table in less than 5 mins later. Great Guacamole. No wonder old people get cranky.

Boomers had it good, they lived most of their adult lives in the best parts of the current social cycle. Old people get cranky regardless. But looking at young people today they look a lot less happy than my generation did at the same age. Gen-Xers and Millenials had it better than Zoomers in many ways, I think.
My last trip to Denver was a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to check out casa Bonita as I have heard the stories, also it’s now owned by the guys who created South Park, Anyway, I looked it up online and the price was super expensive for a fixed meal that didn’t look like it came close in size to the amount they were asking. Plus there was no show going on. was an easy pass.
But it's soo kewwwl!
Boomers had it good, they lived most of their adult lives in the best parts of the current social cycle.
Sounds like another variant on divisive class warfare.
I dislike being told how lucky I am (the only lottery I ever won was the draft lottery during Viet Nam war, I got #34 out of 365).

[edit- upon reflection I was lucky to be born in the greatest country ever. I was additonally lucky to be raised by an intelligent and loving mother (RIP). /edit]

I would like to see a better future for today's children, but I doubt building windmills everywhere and pushing sex change procedures on very young children will deliver that "better" future.
Old people get cranky regardless.
But looking at young people today they look a lot less happy than my generation did at the same age. Gen-Xers and Millenials had it better than Zoomers in many ways, I think.
I feel bad for kids with all the BS the education system is shoveling their way. The climate ideology advocates constantly trying to scare them, and social media appealing to their worst nature (mean kids without adult supervision).

Hopefully they have strong parents to keep them on a good path until their brains mature enough to make thoughtful decisions for themselves. There are many things that make kids happy that are not good for them or us. It is the parents job to guide them through their youth.

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Sounds like another variant on divisive class warfare.
I dislike being told how lucky I am (the only lottery I ever won was the draft lottery during Viet Nam war, I got #34 out of 365).

It's science. And it has nothing to do with individual luck, it is just the nature of societies.

The term "class warfare" is rather clever propaganda that prevents people from standing up for their own interests. But you can't fool all the people all the time, reality has a way of catching up sooner or later.

If you're interested in the scientific version, filled with formulas and jargon, this is the book to read:
A more accessible version has been released a couple months ago:
It's science. And it has nothing to do with individual luck, it is just the nature of societies.

The term "class warfare" is rather clever propaganda that prevents people from standing up for their own interests. But you can't fool all the people all the time, reality has a way of catching up sooner or later.
Marxist revolutionaries tap into the natural tension between societal classes. They use propaganda too...
If you're interested in the scientific version, filled with formulas and jargon, this is the book to read:
A more accessible version has been released a couple months ago:
Nah no thanks...

Mark Levin wrote a comprehensive book "American Marxism" documenting the assault on the American constitution and values.

I am a recent Costco convert. In NY street food was so inexpensive it didn’t usually make sense to cook for one or two. No more.
Marxist revolutionaries tap into the natural tension between societal classes. They use propaganda too...

Nah no thanks...

Mark Levin wrote a comprehensive book "American Marxism" documenting the assault on the American constitution and values.

Choose to stay ignorant, then. But don't put labels on information you haven't even dared to read.
Choose to stay ignorant, then. But don't put labels on information you haven't even dared to read.
Have you "dared" to read the Mark Levin book that JR mentioned? Or any of the several others that he and I mentioned in past posts? Has that stopped you from ignorant disparagement of Americans and the USA with whom/which you have little experience?
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My last trip to Denver was a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to check out casa Bonita as I have heard the stories, also it’s now owned by the guys who created South Park, Anyway, I looked it up online and the price was super expensive for a fixed meal that didn’t look like it came close in size to the amount they were asking. Plus there was no show going on. was an easy pass.
I’ve heard it’s expensive. Gordos was right around the corner from casa bonitas. The food was terrible at casa but they had divers and atmosphere plus caves and stuff for kids. I doubt I’ll be trying it out.

On another Note. Seems like all generations seem cranky. In the 80s Denver went through a recession that the rest of the country missed. All the oil companies had lmoved headquarters here and then the bottom fell out of oil prices. I did books for a stripper well small company as a side gig. Oil was down to $8 a barrel at one point. Then Iraqs first gulf war pushed oil to $35 a barrel and things were changing and then the new airport went in and denver was never the same.
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I am a recent Costco convert. In NY street food was so inexpensive it didn’t usually make sense to cook for one or two. No more.
Costco and bulk buying is a great solution. The thing is cooking is just like mixing audio. When you make all those adjustments to the mix , it’s the same with cooking. Anybody can cook there own food if they can mix sound. Follow some recipes and plan meals and use your freezer for meats and other items while still buying fresh vegetables or better yet grow some to supplement. I always have a herb garden in a large planter. This is assuming you have some ground. But don’t cities have some garden growing areas around?
No cliff divers show that night. So the same Mexican food I can get elsewhere was half the price.
Yesterday I went with a colleague of mine to eat some of the licensed street food being sold in the university I work for, students are usually broke (newsflash) so they are always on the lookout for cheap food. Anyway, we ate "Tacos de canasta", I love them, we go there from time to time, 6 delicious tacos for $2.5 USD (not each, for all 6 of them); I call that a bargain!
There was a little Mexican restaurant called Gordon’s in Lakewood CO. It had been there since the 50’s. In the 80’s I was married with a baby. Three people would go there and eat and get out the door for $11 with a tip. (No alcohol). The food was great. You would order food and I swear it was on the table in less than 5 mins later. Great Guacamole. No wonder old people get cranky.
Mexican food is usually like that, extremely fast. Those guys working in the kitchen are literally machines. In Mexico it is customary for people (especially young people) to go out to grab a bite to eat after a party, I am talking late at night or rather early in the morning, so many of the best food places only open, say, after 10 pm till 6 am, and they are closed during the rest of the day. Be careful with the hot sauce though, lots of alcohol + hot sauce is not the best combo for a hangover the morning after....
Have you "dared" to read the Mark Levin book that JR mentioned? Or any of the several others that he and I mentioned in past posts? Has that stopped you from ignorant disparagement of Americans and the USA with whom/which you have little experience?
Why would I read a book by an ideologue? I'm done with ideology and only interested in facts. Turchin presents a scientific analysis of processes within societies (it's falsifiable). This is something fundamentally different from the tradtional approach to history. That's why I recommend it.

And don't give me the self-victimizing "you don't understand us" talk again. Don't be such a snowflake.