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The last real nazis I came across, were uniformed, marching while singing the Horst Wessel song. Not the kind of people I would interview, especially at night. The ones before that, were looking for a reason to destroy the pub I was in. I'm very hard to provocate, but my then girlfriend wasn't. She's petite, but knows how to defend herself. Those nazis weren't up to attacking a small girl, so they left.

I've never met a nazi that was worth talking to. The usual occurence is a couple: one has muscles, the other one a brain. I have talked to these provocateurs on occasion, but there's hardly any point. They just keep repeating the mantra "all non-white people need to be driven out of the country, or they will be killed". I can talk to these people, cause I'm white, tall and know what to tell them.

I never met eugenics freaks, unfortunately. Nazis are easy to recognise most of the time. Eugenics freaks not so, I've been told.

I wonder how many Americans know enough about their history to be aware that the laws on un-American activities are still valid. These laws and the propaganda machine behind them are what made the words "socialism" and "communism" like a red flag for a bull.

For those who want to educate themselves, the Harry Truman archives are definitely worth a read:
Freedom of speech only seems to be real for rightwing politics. That's why liberals (which are center position, not leftwing allover the world) are still being portrayed as leftists in the USA.
That's a specifically American narrative.
Because the specific circumstances (before and after) as well as the implementation were specific to the USA.
Skandinavian countries have long had a robust social safety net in place.
We are not, have not ever been, and never will be like Scandinavia.

The idea that this would destroy family and culture is a totally alien one there.
LOL. Look what's happening when the monoculture is changed by introducing a large number of people from a radically different culture.

What destroyed culture and families is poverty, inequality, lack of social mobility.
LOL. I've related some of my family history here before. They were poor immigrants from Ireland and Germany who came to the then British Colonies in the 1750s where land grants were made (in the case of the Germans immigrating into South Carolina they got 25 acres per family member). 25 acres of native forest and streams. They were hard-working poor farmers through the 1930s. A similar story played out with my Irish ancestors, but they came into Virginia and during the first 50-75 years here some moved to North Carolina and South Carolina where they settled and farmed in the wide coastal plain from the early 1800s into the 1930s.

The new deal brought education, transportation, electricity - infrastructure, to the rural population.
And higher taxes, massive expansion of the Federal government, and more centralized authority. Those have had huge negative consequences that you ignore.

The social programs from the tail end of the liberal consensus era were subsequently gutted and never ran as intended.
As with most "it's for your own good" massive bureaucratic plans, reality intrudes and the poor plans fail to achieve their vaunted expectations.

As is well known racism - the Southern Strategy - was used to impliment policies that turned the tides against working people and in favour of the elites.
More typical textbook oversimplification. Do you spend as much time critiquing Germany's social and political history?
I heard that Belgium has its own Nazi's that tend to come out in force on the national day , I never witnessed it personally , only from a very safe distance we saw a few in SS uniforms once ,
the kind of people you wouldnt like to draw on your self by trying to have any kind of discussion , its a waste of time .

Im not sure how we drifted from the opening point ,
but here now the price of beef has hit an all time low ,
an 8 ounce striploin or sirloin is less than 3 euros ,

I know a 16 or even a 24 ouncer is more popular in the states , but there no way Id force feed myself to that point ,

I would argue that in more northern parts of the states many decendants of Scanidnavian people moved there , if you look at their social welfare systems up there they are a lot more generous in certain states than others , I think Minniesota had a very high level of social welfare assistance for those in need , dare we say a more socialist system .
I heard that Belgium has its own Nazi's that tend to come out in force on the national day , I never witnessed it personally , only from a very safe distance we saw a few in SS uniforms once ,
the kind of people you wouldnt like to draw on your self by trying to have any kind of discussion , its a waste of time .

The ones you might see on the news are the civilised ones. At the commemoration of WWI victims at Ypres, fi.

The dangerous ones aren't welcome there. You'll find those in the Jewish neighbourhood in Antwerp, fi, looking for a victim to beat up. When in uniform, they always are in a group of at least six. Since I no longer live in Antwerp, I haven't seen them lately.

Im not sure how we drifted from the opening point ,
but here now the price of beef has hit an all time low ,
an 8 ounce striploin or sirloin is less than 3 euros ,

Well, maybe something good that came out of Brexit?

I know a 16 or even a 24 ouncer is more popular in the states , but there no way Id force feed myself to that point ,

Agree. 16 ounces is almost half a kilo. I prefer quality over quantity. An average restaurant steak is only 180 g over here, but some restaurants up that to 220 g. Plenty for me, unless I'm really starved.

I would argue that in more northern parts of the states many decendants of Scanidnavian people moved there , if you look at their social welfare systems up there they are a lot more generous in certain states than others , I think Minniesota had a very high level of social welfare assistance for those in need , dare we say a more socialist system .

A friend needed some medical care while on a business trip to the states. The bill was 4400$. Our local health insurance won't cover that, as the cost for the procedure over here would be less than 1500€. Fortunately, the employer has a separate insurance for unexpected traveling cost.
Ive a very good friend whos involved in genetics ,
He was suspicious the moment he got to take a look at the covid virus , mind you he still took a few vaccine shots and reccomended his parents did the same ,
I havent been able to speak to him about recent developments but he always advised caution on genetic 'improvements' and gain of function experiments ,

For anyone with aspirations towards Eugenics you only need look at the mess humans have made of our most faithful friends , the dogs.
These posh old ladies with a face like a horse telling you their dog has impecable breeding lineage , and yours is only a mutt .
Well thats the biggest load of feckin horse shit I ever heard in my life , they created mutants , weakned specimens that wouldnt last kissing time in nature .
If you want to look at the damage selective human breeding can do , you need look no further than European monarchies .

In terms of health cover , theres a special card you can apply for here that means free medical treatment in any EU country , of course the quality of the service might vary ,depending on location , the health service here is in a total mess , and it was that way long before covid .
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LOL. Look what's happening when the monoculture is changed by introducing a large number of people from a radically different culture.
Yep, racism.

And higher taxes, massive expansion of the Federal government, and more centralized authority. Those have had huge negative consequences that you ignore.
Higher taxes for the rich. And decades of reduction of public debt.

More typical textbook oversimplification. Do you spend as much time critiquing Germany's social and political history?
Oh believe me, we do. After all, German history has the textbook examples of things going horribly, horribly wrong.
but here now the price of beef has hit an all time low ,
an 8 ounce striploin or sirloin is less than 3 euros ,
I was at a cooking class for steak last week end, and the cook told us that a lot less beef is being imported from abroad here now, due to the cost of living crisis. This might have something to do with prices in exporting countries going down (surplus).

Anyway, we had a course of Irish rumpsteak, too. It was delicious.
That's the billion dollar question. In the book i linked above, it has been shown that native tribes (the most prominent examples being Native Americans) managed a stable, sustainable equilibrium by limiting themselves
I read recently read that an adult Mohawk spent about 16 hours a week on maintaining their agriculture. That leaves a lot of time for lacrosse. Doesn’t sound so bad to me.
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Nor is telling them to mind their own (country's) business.
AnalogPackrat said:
Canada has less than 10% of the US population, no 2A, less gang activity, and very different demographics.

Yet countries like South Korea have much higher suicide rates than the USA despite having nearly zero private gun ownership rates.

Most Canadians I've met are very nice, but they do not have the same love of Liberty and are too willing to bow to authority.

But it seems Canada, Australia, and New Zealand experienced the same kind of power grab.

Deaths in China will never be reported with any accuracy because that would make Xi & Co. lose face.

As for the "zero Covid policy" and life in China in general...I'd rather live a shorter life with liberty than a longer one in an oppressive, totalitarian surveillance state.

How do you feel about free market resulting in off-shoring to places like China that have lax environmental, labor, and other laws?

Interestingly, Ukraine was not the heroic country currently portrayed in much western media before the invasion. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Historically, Russia has been ruled by autocrats.

Hence smaller nations (and states/regions within nations) with more localized governments seem to be the most stable condition. Brexit was a good step back in that direction.

Looks like the UK, under their new bankster PM, wants to "lead the way" to a bright dystopian future of digital currency.

But most of us do not want to be like the UK. The UK has its own problems, and if people prefer what they have, they can go there.

I think there are multiple paths to failure. Perhaps Germany and Mexico are simply on two different paths to the same place.

In fact, cultures with much more ingrained hierarchy (e.g., South Korea, Japan) are far worse.
Yep, racism.
So the Swedes inviting migrants who then take full advantage of free social services are racist? LOL.

Higher taxes for the rich. And decades of reduction of public debt.
Due to a booming post-war economy with cars, home appliances, air-conditioning, TV and all manner of new improvements thanks to massive expansion of manufacturing and advancement of technology. And let's not forget about women entering the manufacturing workforce during wartime while men were drafted or volunteered for service.

Oh believe me, we do. After all, German history has the textbook examples of things going horribly, horribly wrong.
Maybe focus on that instead.
Thank for providing an index for, what, a full year of my posts? With no context whatsoever, I might add. Living sounds posts much more and more biasedly critical material about the US alone in a week. But keep flailing. My hope is that it helps keeps you busy and distracts you from other tasks.
Thank for providing an index for, what, a full year of my posts? With no context whatsoever, I might add. Living sounds posts much more and more biasedly critical material about the US alone in a week. But keep flailing. My hope is that it helps keeps you busy and distracts you from other tasks.

I think you are still confusing criticism of policy and influence groups with criticism of national identity. You really get triggered by it, maybe reflect on that...
It is always better is talk about things than people.

When we criticize each other it bring out our inner snowflakes, I know it does mine. ;)

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I think you are still confusing criticism of policy and influence groups with criticism of national identity. You really get triggered by it, maybe reflect on that...
No, I am irritated by your poorly informed criticism of not just policy, but people (what you want to call "influence groups" to make it acceptable). I'll continue to reflect on the importance of standing up for what I believe in and not letting false narratives go unopposed.
With no context whatsoever, I might add.
No context needed: it was posts about other countries, many of them critical, while admonishing other posters for doing the same. I didn't even add in the other posters from outside the US that have been critical aspects of the US that you happen to agree with, to which you "liked" their posts. Either you take your own advice or you don't.

AnalogPackrat said:
Try to accept that people aren't all going to think or believe the same things and that is OK.
No context needed: it was posts about other countries, many of them critical, while admonishing other posters for doing the same.
Cherry picking is your forte´. Flail on.
I didn't even add in the other posters from outside the US that have been critical aspects of the US that you happen to agree with, to which you "liked" their posts.
Yes, because having actually lived in my country I understand its flaws. I can't help you grok that some people get it and some don't.

Either you take your own advice or you don't.
Whatever. I don't continually post negative comments about other countries and repeat falsehoods from The Guardian et. al. to bolster my view.

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