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- I've been away for the weekend, and came back to see this...!

Thanks, Group!

You handled this really well - makes me realize how much potential and good will there is in this community...


Apology accepted - no harm done.. As Kev suggests - stick around here and you may pick up some projects or ideas that can be commercialized without any problems. After all, we're here to spread the happy gospel of DIY...

Jakob E.
[quote author="smgaudio"]I apologize for our negligence and problems this might have caused you all. These items will never be posted on ebay or elsewhere again. Again my apologies. My intention was to provide the DIY projects to those who are not able to construct them (while make money of coarse), not cause contention.


You've got a lot to learn, Allan. Pay attention.
I haven't been in for a few days while I've been modding my Soundcraft.............oh what joy totally strippng that apart..............but after reading this I'm totally bloody speechless, firstly at the total arrogance, gall and idiocy of smgaudio, then at the benevolence shown by members of our group here.

wooow :shock: :thumb:

this is The Lab at his very best!
If the CIA had a network like this, well...
you all know what would NOT have happened, huh?

Shouldn't we really consider to make this a registered members forum only? There's so much risk that this will happen FOR REAL and even worse, people could start marketing BAD DIY'd Gyraf (or any other)products. This would damage Jakob way more then in case some Lab-qualified stuff hits the "market"?

Not all knowledge should be available for everyone, i'm sure we're lucky that in this case we invited smgaudio and he answered us etc...

Do we have any idea howmany lurkers only we have around here?

Just a thought...

For the sake of this conversation i will start a new thread,


Tony dB
I am in awe of the maturity and benevolence several of our members have displayed. My Brothers, this is truly a great place.

SMGAudio, thank you for abjuring. All's well that ends well.
Now that you're all feeling so fuzzy and warm about your battle and the subsequent apology you received, perhaps you can muster up the strength of character to apologize for the thinly veiled jabs and attacks on those of us that happen to be Canadian.

It wasn't pretty.
awesome healthcare, Canadian beer, the best strip clubs in N. America, and pot bars... Canda will never receive an apology or sympathy from me! Although it may gain me as a resident someday...
Being a Canadian I think he needs to spend 2 minutes in the penalty box of life for "unsportsman-like" conduct. :oops:

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