Good first studio preamps on a (tight) budget

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Setting aside for the moment any question of veracity as it relates to that post, I will now and forevermore blame a transformerless preamp whenever I sing out of tune.
you would be suprised. obviously you don't know what you're talking about or doing if you literally sing into transformerless pres. probably you don't realize your recording mechanism is playing back at a different speed and pitch than while you are recording. do you have a varispeed clock setup etc probably not this issue exists even with tape machines. why do I even try you people aren't worth me explaining it to you. deafies . yall some deaf people thats cute deaf people on an audio forum who aren't even musicians they just play on their midas X32's all day and tell everyone they have a midas. thats great. oh. one thing you can do to improve your digital recordings is use one of those multitrack digital things with the faders and the little boss type 9v power . you know those zoom or tascam or korg or fostex or whatever digital portastudio. and run it on a 45W light bulb like a guitar amp limiter helps even out the reconstructed pitches and tempos. problem is none of those things have varispeed I guess yall are all lost causes.

no, no . it only took me my whole life to figure this stuff out. forget about it. hayes and horowitz is the extent of electrical knowledge. everyone move along nothing to see here back to your mullard handbooks and electronics bibles....

thats also the main issue with vintage transformers. thats why you need a variable pad like the H pad before a sta-level or something or the output control on the EMI 436 compressor except on the input. so you can vary the input impedance and shake off the transformer resonance if it gets in the way of the performance.

edit 3. God you people are so dumb. sorry mods. please forgive me I'm trying to turn these pokemon into level 2 pokemon or whatever

no wonder all the music sucks these days and the gear is worse
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If I was going to buy an SSL fusion or neve MBT the first thing I would do is rip out the power supply and rip out all the LED's . but you guys know better than me: I"m just a stupid louisiana crackhead so F-it.

Who's going to break it to him that those things won't work if you "rip out the power supply" ???
It's not always easy to get a sense of who you are arguing with on a forum. Before things get any uglier, I'd suggest checking out Saul's YouTube channel. He's clearly coming at things with a different approach than most of us here. There's probably not a lot of overlap, so there's no reason to go dark with this.
If Saul is not a bot and is in fact a real person, I don't want to make his life harder, even if it does seem like he's just trying to bait us. And since he did say in the midst of one of those essays that we're making fun of him, I at least wanted to say that when I posted this...
Setting aside for the moment any question of veracity as it relates to that post, I will now and forevermore blame a transformerless preamp whenever I sing out of tune. (Err, that is, when the differentially balanced electronic input forces me to sing out of tune against my will). 😂
...I wasn't trying to make fun of him, I was making fun of my singing. I don't need justonically resonating fixed-key harmonic distortion from my garbage transformerless preamp to sing out of tune, thank you very much, I can do that all on my own! Just ask my fans neighbors.
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