Group Design: PWM Limiter Project

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this is a great read, even though so little has become of it.

the info on PWM comps, the related tangents people go off on discussing options...
and i hope this is picked up again, it could, should be a winner.

the only PWM comp i have used much is the fearn,  and i dig it a lot.
mainly the texture.  well, everything about it is cool

i am glad i heard one before i realized how it works.

i mean, if i had seen sausage being made before i ever tried it, i probably would
have never tried it.
Balijon said:
Did anyone test the attached PWM signal-generator?
This is build around a SG3525A PWM-control-chip and runs up to 400kHz.
The original design comes from Clive Sinclair and Mark Case.
Extremely simple circuit with few components, the supply voltage can have a wide range (need not be +12V)
The smart part is the way the 2 outputs are tied to the 10k pull-up resistor, delivering the full duty-cycle control (0-100%).

I built a gain cell that worked quite well using that chip a few years ago.  It worked fine.  I never got round to adding a sidechain, but the chip will work.
For Info, the nice folks at Inovonics have been making PWM based broadcast processors for a while and have complete manuals including schematics at their website

I used them for a number of years in both the on-air chain and for production, they have a very sweet sound....IIRC the peak control was not 'absolute' and they struggle with 'sledgehammer' compression.

Thanks to the posts here I'm going to look at PWM for the compressor/limiter in a 4 channel broadcast mic amp idea I'm kicking arround.

Thanks guys!


I have been looking through some stuff, but haven't found any diagrams of what I did.

However I found some scope traces that show the signal while it's being chopped & then after the low pass fileter where the chopped frequency has been removed.


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Thanks Rob.
What did you use as a switching element?

I am working through the Invotronics documentation from the link that Topcat provided, great stuff.
Most interesting are the curves they use to align the ratio to the PWM duty-cycle generation.

I will try some old contacts next week to get a hold on the BBS schematics.
It would be great if we could come to a simple, 'few-chip' and easy to build, module design.

Did anyone use a PIC-microcontroller, with a A/D to generate the PWM signal, in a design before?
This way you could create a table for the desired ratio and attack/release behavior.
It would reduce the amount of parts a lot.
Adding a noise-gate function would come at almost no cost.
For instance a PIC18F1220 (+/- 2$) would have enough A/D-ports, PWM-ports and I/O-ports to control threshold pots, switches and GainReduction-led-bar.

Hello. I've been lurking a long time, this is my first post.

I designed and built this with a friend when we were in college.
Ramp is generated by transistor current source + 1/3 339 to reset.
The gain control uses a pair of 4066 switches as a "L", in the feedback loop of an opamp. Envelope extracted from input.
We found the envelope detector to be overkill - it needn't to be so fast for bass, could have used something simpler..
I don't know how much gain reduction, but it sounded nice with my friend's fender bass.
I remember it needed a very good power supply or else strange noises would leak to audio.


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gfr said:
Ramp is generated by transistor current source + 1/3 339 to reset.
The gain control uses a pair of 4066 switches as a "L", in the feedback loop of an opamp. Envelope extracted from input.

Thanks for your post.
What frequency is the ramp generator running?
Nice concept to use the 'chopped' signal in a feedback loop. Did you measure the phase shift on high-frequencies between the output from U8A and U13A?
Did you try the output on U13A instead of feedback to U9A?

If I remember correctly, it was around 200kHz.

I didn't measure the phase shift, but I remember if we added another pole on the RC filtering or it would oscillate (as one would expect from theory).

I don't remember trying the output from the other node.

This was back in 1990 or 1991, so I don't remember everything about the project...

I hope there's no error in the schematic, I redraw it from the hand draw schematic because it was starting to fall apart :)

The waveforms of the chopped signal were not "perfect", in practice this translated to a limitation on the amount of gain reduction but there was no (audible) distortion, and it looked nice on the scope after filtered too.

Thanks for the info gfr.
200kHz is common for this style of limiter, the 4066 will do 4MHz according to the specs.

gfr said:
I hope there's no error in the schematic, I redraw it from the hand draw schematic because it was starting to fall apart :)

I have a remark:
I think that the +/- inputs from U9A should be reversed, if it should become an inverting opamp.

The amplification around U9A for the input to output is +/- +25db (20log(820k/47k), for the chopped 'feedback-leg' this is +/-32db (20log(820k/22k), so at maximum attenuation (at full limit / 100% duty-cycle) would be -7db output level. Is this a correct assumption?

Balijon said:
I have a remark:
I think that the +/- inputs from U9A should be reversed, if it should become an inverting opamp.

I think you're right.

The amplification around U9A for the input to output is +/- +25db (20log(820k/47k), for the chopped 'feedback-leg' this is +/-32db (20log(820k/22k), so at maximum attenuation (at full limit / 100% duty-cycle) would be -7db output level. Is this a correct assumption?


Hmmm... When there's no signal being fed back through the "chopped path", gain is 820k/47k or 25 dB. When the  "chopped path" is "on" 100% of the time, the gain is  (820k//22k)/47k or -11dB, a little lower than -7dB. That's 36 dB of gain variation, with a distorted "knee" near the extremes because the chopping isn't perfect near 0% and 100% duty cycles. There's the input stage before it which can be set with a good amount of gain.

Perhaps it can be designed with a better gain distribution, we designed this as a final task for a course on college, and since we didn't have much time, we had end of semester exams, and spice took years to run on a PC Jr (hacked to boot with a floppy and with a memory upgrade - credits go to my friend), etc., we were happy when we breadboarded something that worked :)

IIRC, the "bandwith" of the 4066 is 4Mhz, meaning that you can pass a signal with that bandwith through the switch (I've seen NTSC to PAL video transcoders that used a 4066 for the switching). But it can't turn on and off that fast, if you try you end turning on the switch before it's fully open, or vice-versa. In the video transcoder circuit it passes a 4Mhz video signal but turns on and off at 16KHz or so (scan).
gfr said:
IIRC, the "bandwith" of the 4066 is 4Mhz, meaning that you can pass a signal with that bandwith through the switch (I've seen NTSC to PAL video transcoders that used a 4066 for the switching). But it can't turn on and off that fast, if you try you end turning on the switch before it's fully open, or vice-versa. In the video transcoder circuit it passes a 4Mhz video signal but turns on and off at 16KHz or so (scan).

The signal pass-through bandwidth is something like 40-60MHz. Turn on/off frequency can be much higher than 16kHz (if not used for video frame switching), I recall it was somewhere around 50-60ns to turn on/off (depending on the voltage that you run).
I understood you were running the 4066 around 200kHz?

I tried simulating it with the values in the schematic and the ramp in the sim is at ~400kHz, but from memory I could swear it was around 200kHz. Anyway, another slowing factor (perhaps more important than the 4066) is the speed of the 339 comparator, used to reset the ramp.
gfr said:
Anyway, another slowing factor (perhaps more important than the 4066) is the speed of the 339 comparator, used to reset the ramp.
Good point there. This was the reason I was looking at the SG3524 that Rob Flinn used, it runs 400kHz with a dc input, and it has a nice duty-cycle range. I am pretty sure that the 4066 will deal with 400kHz.
