[quote author="guavatone"]Will they act the same funtionally? I am using clamping-knobs.... so I was curious if they will still line up to the correct ratios -2-4-10 still. They wont skip a ratio right? I just don't want to end up with it backwards like 10-4-2 or a different order......it should be cool right?
I just need to turn the round part down for it to work with the clamps I have.[/quote]
Bingo. :thumb: The ratio switch only uses 1 center pin and 3 outer pins of the 4x3 lorlin switch. The label on the pcb calls it "B", connecting to eighter B1, B2 or B3 for the ratio 1:2-4-10. In case you solder the switch 90 deg.clockwise, the lorlin pin "A" will connect the pcb traces to A1, A2 or A3. The switching effect is the same, but your D-shaft has moved 90 deg.clockwise. With a clamping-knob this doesn't matter at all. Turn the shaft full ccw, put on the knob and match the knob marker to your 1:2 frontpanel setting. Each further step rotates the knob by 30 deg. The labeling of Purusha's cases match these steps.
If you don't have a 4x3 but a 2x6 or 1x12 lorlin, take care a center pin connects to the upper left pbc hole "B" and set the end-stop of the lorlin to position 3.
If your switch is another brand, look at the pcb-traces and ohm it out. :wink: