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Hi there guys,

Hate to have to ask. I've tried everything and its my last resort and I'm not sure wat is going wrong. This is my first DIY project and I'm learning loads from it.

I've gotten the compressor up and running and it's passing audio no problem. The make up gain works fine and it the bypass switch works fine too.

I'm feeling quite optimistic about the whole thing. But its not compressing in anyway shape or form. which isn't much good considering it a compressor. The threshold is doing nothing and the ratio attack or release are doing nothing either.

I hate having to ask guys but I went through every part today and all the correct values are in the right place and I'm pretty sure i'm close but I don't know where to go from this point with trouble shooting it

Also the left side is slightly louder then the right even when bypassed.

I am reading up here as much as possible to help me with the problems. I am attempting to get as much done on my own without having to ask for help..

Thanks in advance for the help and advice...


Cool will do chief,

I'm really enjoying the whole thing of building this. Its just odd how it won't compress.

When I do get it up and running i'll probably be laughing at myself.

Thanks again for the all the help guys...
Hi Jason,

Connect mono signal to both inputs & check the output levels. IF there is any problem get a headphone amp trace the signal from input to output. I solved my problem like this.
Swap VCAs with each other. Check voltage at pin1 of TL072.

Check your switch connections. I had the same prob, turned out i'd conected the wrong pole on one of the switches. (attack switch i think)
Hey Everyone,
Thanks so much for all the info on this project. This is my first full diy project, and I have enjoyed doing it a ton! So far any hitches have been taken care of by reading through these forums. Now i've finally reached an impass:

My GSSL is completely basic: the typical (cheap) mouser meter, no sidechain insert, no power switch, no lamp for the meter (yet).

Everything worked great out of the box. I put it in the Parmetal box and rewired the input output jacks (with new hookup wire).


The Compressor works great until:
--> When I tap the Main board (not the control board), there is a loud pop (mostly) in the left channel. Then the left channel gets extremely loud and distorted. It still rises and falls with the compression, but it's very crunchy and very loud.

I realize this is probably either a bad solder joint or a bad connection with one of the IC sockets. Can anyone localize this for me? or has anyone else experienced it?

My guesses:
-Problem near the left VCA. but all the solder points look good as well as the traces. Could it be loosing it's reference voltage or something?
-Could i have fried an IC while resoldering the jacks (with new cable)?
-Ground problems?

Thanks again everybody. Sorry if this was already covered, I couldn't find it.
Hi Morrow,

Check the left section for dry solder & also Swap your left & right VCAs. If the sound is distorted then it might be the problem of the VCA.

Another GSSL Finished!!!! with Pictures

Thanks to Jakob for the project , Greg for the sidechain pcb, Purusha for the case and to everyone that helped me.

Sorry for the crappy pictures
[quote author="mrclunk"]dabhoys,
Check your switch connections. I had the same prob, turned out i'd conected the wrong pole on one of the switches. (attack switch i think)[/quote]

Ok I will give that a shot I haven't had a chance to look at it in a while, been super busy in work but I'm hoping to get a look at it thursday!!!

Will let you guys know...
Hi guys

I need help, everything was working fine but after i've hooked up the sidechain board from Greg the makeup gain doesn't work anymore.
I've checked for bad solder joints etc but everything seems ok , all the other functions ( threshold ratio attack release and the sidechain filter works ) , i don't know where could be the problem.

Please Help!!!!
Yes the ground is connected, which foto do you need to tell me something?

I' disconnected the sidechain board and in fact the makeup gain still doesn't work.
Any suggestion? could be the pot gone ?
After messing around the make up pot now works with sidechain board connected. checked for bad soldering but not found anything, better if i change the pot?
Can someone conferm that I have wired the transformer corectly to the pcb.

Black is Ov
White is 18v
blue is 0v
Red is 18v

I put black and white in the middle and blue and red on both sides, I have a picture but dont know how to post it.
heres the picture :

And this is the transformer manuel :

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