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Ah come on Jorge, it can be done, without a lot of hassle, take a minute and look at the schematic and how to hook up the turbo board...

good luck,

Alright then i'll do it!!!
I was looking at how a sidechain board replaces the 2x 47K resistors....
Now i think i have to wire the Turbo just like if the resistors were there but instead is a sidechain huh?

I'll drawn something quickly..

What about this??
In that configuration you are summing the left and right signals in your sidechain filter, thus making the turbo board completely useless. Now you are rectifying the same signal twice (on the turbo board and on the original sidechain).

You really do need a dual sidechain filter for this. You need to keep the left and right signals separate for both of the rectifier amps (the one on the big PCB and the turbo board).

Here (from meta) are detailed instructions how to wire a dual sidechain filter *with* a switchable "turbo" mode (which is really nothing but a stereo version of the sidechain rectification amp).
hey guys,

as I am pretty new here I am having my first "can you please help me on this one" question now: :) :)

I am doing the GSSL with 2 SSC and the Turbo Board as well, and I am right now wiring all the stuff together...

do I have to connect both super-sidechain-boards to the Sidechain-1x8-Switch? or just one, and the other goes along "automatic"??

you need a two deck switch - 8 poles for each sidechainboard, so each side of the (turbo) stereo-sidechain has the same highpass-filter frequency.

hth, christoph
hmm. ok. so the 1x12 lorlin won´t work here... must be somehing like this i guess... right?;ACTION=3;LA=2;GROUPID=3283;ARTICLE=15294;SID=32hik6fawQASAAAAQLXoU66c42ed8caf9aad3bdc0590ae7e74daa

and what about the SSC-on/off, the Pot A / Pot B... can I wire these together on the 2 SSC-boards? or do I also need dual on off switch?

which ssc board are you using, the layout of 12afael/clintrubber has an "off" position for rotary hookup. So the same switch that let you choose the hp frequency will also turn the sc off.

hmm, i have this one here:


there is the Com on/off, and the Pot a Pot B, and i understand how to wire it with one SSC... like this:


but with two boards, do i have to connect both on/off switches to the main control board? and what do the pot a / b connectors do?
mokkinger said:
but with two boards, do i have to connect both on/off switches to the main control board? and what do the pot a / b connectors do?

from the control board you only need to wire those 5 wires to one sidechain/relay board. The other you can just leave be. No need to even solder the other relay.

I decided to use those extra connections and relay to switch between turbo and gssl modes. But that's just me.

The pot a and pot b are not necessary to wire anywhere either. It's a choice whether you want to use make up gain when the unit is bypassed or not. There's plenty more info on that somewhere on this thread.
hey everyone.. man i have done about 30 or so hours of research on building one of these, as I am just one of your typical audio engineers trying to dip into the DIY fun.

I just got my PCBs, and started to order about 90% of my parts according to the parts list .pdf I got from a thread on here. 

Was wondering if there was anyone in the Los Angeles/Hollywood area that has built one of these that I can check out and ask some questions about. My studio is in the middle of Hollywood, and I wouldnt mind picking up the lunch tab for anyone willing to show me their creation, and answer any questions I have..

Send me a PM if you are available. Thanks.
Mike  :)
crisotop said:
you need a two deck switch - 8 poles for each sidechainboard, so each side of the (turbo) stereo-sidechain has the same highpass-filter frequency.

hth, christoph

does anybody know where to get a two deck 8-poles switch? the one I found has 2 decks with 12 poles, but has no poss. to limit it down to 8 positions...which is kind of bad...

which ones did you use for the dual sidechain switch?

ok, got the 2x12 from above, seems to be the only solution available... don´t know if there is something that one can do so the 12-pole switch stops at pole 8...

and, when using two supersidechain-boards, do I use both channels on each board? or do I just use the left channel on the one board, and the right channel on the other one?

cheers & thanks,

hi guys

sorry for the stupid question but it's my first job on this

i'm make a gssl whit turbo board.

i have solder all components... and now...power test

to do that i solder the blue cable of transformer (toroidal) to the power connector...and do i need to solder brown cable (of transformer)

to the power switch??

please i dont realy know how to do the ceck voltage.

help me guys...i'm very novice on that


be very very careful with the AC-Mains - you can kill yourself it you do sth. completely wrong here!

you need to connect the primary winding to the AC plug;  the switch should be "between" one of the cables (if the primaries are blue and brown on your torroid transformer, choose one of them to go to the switch) connect the pin from the fuse to the switch, and from the switch to the torroid transformer; the other one goes directly to the other pin of the plug; (but don´t connect one of them to the earth/ground pin of the plug... :)

hi Mark

very tanks, it's done but... :p

on the ac plug i know how to plug but switch wave 4 pins 2 left 2 right to plug (it´s a Red lighted power switch).

i now have the brown to the left (down) pin of the switch, and the bue to the ac plug, ac plug to the right (down) of the switch.
is that correct?

another thing ( sorry i'm very afraid making mistake on this) i already solder my dbx 202c to the board, did this can cause problem?

hmm, can you link a picture of this switch? I am afraid I don´t get it right, or you might hook it up wrong... just don´t  connect the brown and the blue cable, like putting both on the switch. the blue goes straight to the plug, the brown get´s switched...

and because of the DBX: if you have already soldered in all components you might blow the DBX if your rails are wrong... you can try it, but if its blown, its blown :)

hi Mark

this is my switch

yes you are right, maybe i gonna remove dbx 202c ( it's a expencive mistake).

sorry my ingles is very bad :), but i understand  what you say. just dont know were solder the brown on switch and the other that goes to fuse (AC plug).


ok, can´t see inside it, but as i already said, one goes directly to the plug in the back, the other goes to one pin on the switch, and the other pin of the switch goes to the plug...

sorry Mark

for the picture, i gonna take a foto of my wiring and put here.

Just another question i have the turbo board to install, (i have all done and the wiring is very clear at Spart Audio)

but i have 1 pin unsoldered of a 47k resistor (near vca, it´s to make the turbo switchable).

can this 47k unsoldered cause problems on the power test??

tanks Mark for the tips

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