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this is my pictures of wiring power switch

are this ok on the power switch??

Trie this Mark  :p


By ribazigi at 2009-04-25


By ribazigi at 2009-04-25

tanks for your patience
hi guys

i made a mistake , solder the dbx 202c before my power test.

and now it's very difficult remove the dbx, what can i check to minimize the risk of damage the dbx?

1. check polarity of componentes?
2. check the resistor

Can i just disconnect the transformer of main board and check the voltage in the wire of transformer,(just to see if the voltage 15AC are correct?
Hey could someone help me out with a part number for some spacers to mount the pcb? I'm not really sure exactly which ones I should use for that. A mouser or digikey # would be great!

ribazigi said:
hi keefaz

yes they are, i think it's the label on top it's wrong, the solder pins are identical on two
Ok  :)
Maybe you could unsolder 78L12 & 79L12 (these regulators power the VCAs) if that makes feel you safe for your 202's
I think the power switch connection is wrong on the picture, but you could test which switch terminal to connect with a digital meter (in ohm mode or beeper mode)
i ve seen your picture and i just want to give an information the resistor on the side of Vca and the link +15 and -15 must don't touch the gold of vca.
If not you will have problem, i've build gssl with this gold and i stuffed it under the board .

Perhaps could help you
Hi all!

I'm working on my GSSL and I've got something really strange!

All is done without sound going thru the unit!

When I put the ratio at 2:1, i've got 2.68mA, the meter is going to max and there's the biggest limitation i've ever seen!

When I put the ratio at 4:1, i've got 0.70mA and the meter is staying a half and I have a big compression!

When I put the ratio at 10:1, i've got meter to zero and compression is working nicely!

So is there is one of you who already got this problem, help me, please.

Voltage with ratio on Pin 8 of the TL074 is going form -5.5V to -1.3V and to 0.

is it a 30v center tapped xfmr that you have
or a 15 v center tapped [ which divided would give 7 ish v ]
you've doubled checked the wiring according to the
xfmr manufacturer , you have some kind of paperwork or
reference for that xfmr model number right ?
How did you measure those voltages ?
Did you put your meter in AC volt mode and measured between black and red wires and between orange and yellow wires ?
Frankly, I am surprised that your switch works like you have connected it, as seen on the picture, but what do I know  :)