My gssl is done but it is not working
I have a barclaycon super side chain board installed and followed the directions from here:
I have installed this in a purusha case and I am using a farnell meter. I put 330Ohm across the meter and used a 1k resistor for the meter sensitivity.
I also have a 47k pot attached to leg of the Threshold pot. I am getting this weird thing happening where if I back off on the threshold the needle floats to one side really slowly. When I use higher resistor values in place (I tried a 1k) I get very small movement on the meter, even at lowest threshold it is always a deviation of just 1 or 2 meter marks.
For VCA's I am using THAT2181LA's
I did all the mods as described here:
except for the unity gain.
The meter is showing gain reduction but there is basically no compression effect on the audio, even at extreme settings. The makeup gain works fine.
When I connected an external side chain source (e.g. kick drum from a drum machine) the gssl compresses in a more expected way and I can hear it slightly pump on extreme settings but it is not that strong and the front panel controls seem to have little affect.
Another odd symptom is when I flick the switch to engage the compressor and I have a very low threshold setting, it slams the meter to max and then goes to a normal signal. At the same time as this happens I also hear the audio compress very heavily... it almost seems like it is compressing for that small fraction of time and then goes back to non-functioning mode.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!! I have spent several days debugging and I am getting no where
I have checked voltage at all ICs and they are as expected.
Checked in great detail all connections and values around the TL072
Verified that the Threshold and Makeup pots are changing voltages at pins 1 and 7 on the TL072
Checked all resistor values, solder joints and bridges (about a million times)
Checked every point to point interconnection between the SSC, control panel and main pcb.
Replaced the Sidechain VCA
Replaced the TL072
Removed the sidechain processing board (but left its relay control of bypass) to help isolate if it was the problem
I am getting ready to throw this thing out the window!!! ???