Hi gents,
first post here after days of lurking and studying this infinite thread.
In this quarantine time i had the "great idea" to buy a kit to spend some time for fun, but i think contracting the virus would be more amazing than that! ;D
A little background:
That's my first kit, soldered alot before but mainly cables and some repairs (including playstations) but without a deep knowledge of electronics.
The full kit came from a known chap here, but the guy sent me wrong ICS, all 5532 instead of 4 5534 and 2 5532. ICS were labelled in bags so i installed them as per manual and during first switch, obviously, had not working unit at all.
I realized in few seconds that ICS, supposed 5534s, at the input were getting hot, so started immediately a long trouble-shooting.
After 30 mails with the vendor and 150kg of frustration i realized with a 10x glass that i had wrong chips...
Long story short i had the missing 4 5534s, installed them and the unit started to work properly like magic BUT for 1 hour or so.
Probably for a temperature related matter the gain reduction started jumping all around with proper effect on audio.
At least i discovered that audio path was right!
Read about various cases about shorts, cap/chip/vca orientation, 704 chip, 702, 10 pin molex, jumpers and so on. Reflowed several times critical areas but troubles troubles troubles.
I'm pretty sure that's my fault somewhere, tried to follow paths on GSSL Roadmap, looked with 10x glass a number of times without being able to spot a short. Changed the bypass switch. Nothing. Deep inside there's always the idea that i had something other wrong in the kit since the experience with ICs but is out of question to desolder and measure all.
Status quo:
rails seems to be ok both +-12 and +-15
IC sockets seems to be ok
bypass is fine, sound passes also with comp engaged but no GR.
SC HP switch (rev 11 board) causes the gr to slam at max both on meter and audio).
After last 10p molex and company reflow audio is still fine in bypass but seems the makeup is now less effective

At least the meter and GR are not triggering randomly...
I have on order both 704s and 702s but i'm getting a bit itchy since major sellers are in lockdown.
Any idea about what to do while waiting for supplies ?
(I have here both a Fluke 187 and a 200 mHz scope i use for testing audio paths but without a proper knowledge of how to use them to test parts of a board).
Thanks from Italy.