Thanks. Searched and read what I could find. With yet new regulators, tracing the current, I find:
-Transformer feeding 16.4 VAC from both leads of the transformer entering the board.
-Rectifier showing + / - exactly 21 VDC each side.
-Regulator 7915 showing -15.2 VDC.
-Regulator 7815 showing +12.0 VDC.
-Regulator 79L12 showing -12.2 VDC.
-Regulator 78L12 showing +12.1 VDC.
-At "-12" mark on back of board I am showing -20.8 VDC.
-At "+12" mark on back of board I am showing +12.1 VDC.
-At "-15" pad mark on back of board I am showing -15.2 VDC.
-At "+15" pad mark on back of board I am showing +12.0 VDC.
-At "-15" mark on bottom, back of board I am showing -15.2 VCD.
-At "+15" mark on bottom, back of board I am showing 0 VDC.
So many wrong voltages.
So, 7815 is suspect, apparently again? That will be regulator number 5 in that position. (I'll search for broken pads when replacing, maybe that's causing it.)
Where could the -20 V be coming from when it's supposed to be -12V?
Why is there 0 V at the bottom of the board when it's supposed to be +15?
I'm not having success corrolating components on the board with the schematic. Which cap, or point on the schematic, corrolates with the "-12" mark on the back of the board, please?
Likewise, which points on the schematic corrolate with the other pcb marked voltage test points? That would be a huge help in following the schematic pathways on the physical board.