Has modern culture jumped the woke shark?

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Bud has just rolled out a new patriotic ad to hopefully reduce the damage.

I hope this signals weakness in the woke assault on modern culture (bud light sales were reportedly down 10%).

Patriotic ad to hopefully reduce damage? Nah… Seems business as usual… Celebrating such wide-diversity; of which makes America so great! We should be so proud and celebrate together… With a beer!
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If scientists would drop the hubris and admit when they don't really know something I wouldn't have called it a cult. At the moment far too many scientists are not doing science. And when people start chanting "trust the science" and "believe the scientists" thay are practicing religion, not supporting actual science.
Those chanting people that you mention, they are the same people who boast about being rational and insist on trusting science, but, at the same time, call Dylan Mulvaney and Lia Thomas a 'woman', or can't define a 'woman' because they are 'not biologists', yet they boast about their Harvard education. It is insanity.

You can't argue with these people, because they have abandoned human reasoning. You know that logical/mathematical way of proving things called "proof by contradiction"? You basically define the opposite statement of what you want to prove, reach a contradiction, thus proving the opposite statement false, and the original statement true. No, that doesn't work with these people, they reach the contradiction and still claim that the false statement is true.

How can you reach a solution with someone who 'thinks' (it is actually not thinking, but the definition of insanity) like that? you can't. They follow a different set of rules that are not based on logic (maybe feelings?). Yet, at the same time, claim to follow the rules of science. As I've always said, contradiction is the most fundamental tenet with these people. The more one of their believes contradicts another of their believes, the more they love it and embrace it. It's human reasoning without the reasoning.
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This Bud Light silliness reminds me of the "Happy Holidays" bullsh!t propagated by certain right wing influencers. Companies generally have no interest in alienating potential customers who might be Jewish or Muslim or pagan by saying "Merry Xmas," so they go with "Happy Holidays." Nothing but straight up capitalism motivating that decision, but a bunch of Christian-identifying conservatives make a stink about it--because in their sad minds respecting the beliefs of others disrespects theirs.
I think you've mischaracterized this to some degree. Christmas is one of two religious holidays celebrated in December. The other is Chanukah. What Christians oppose is removing the core reason for their holiday. I know no one who would oppose "Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!" Advertisers (and the militantly anti-Judeo-Christian) don't want to do that because they want to secularize everything. If you aren't Christian, why are you offended by the phrase "Merry Christmas?"

Similarly, while Anheuser Busch is happy to cater to the tastes of beer-loving conservative goofballs ("Dilly dilly," anyone?), they recognize that the beer-drinking public is in fact quite diverse, and direct advertising at different (non-hetero) consumers.
Based on the video from the clueless Marketing VP that conceived of the ad campaign in question, she has no idea what their customer demographic is and admitted she was inserting her own beliefs into corporate marketing. She should own the negative response to her tone-deaf ideas.

Quality capitalist motives at work there--expand the customer base! But conservative heteros freak out because a company dares to market to someone besides them.
Not everyone thinks that normalizing extreme narcissistic and mental health problems (there aren't 97 genders) is good for anyone. In fact, it seems like a lot of A-B InBev customers responded negatively. The corporation can explain to their shareholders how they screwed up.

Bud Light is a straight white beer!!! They scream. How dare Anheuser-Busch market our product in a way that appeals to people who offend our delicate, puritanical, hypocritical sensibilities?
It certainly isn't about anything Puritanical. Straw man again?

It's tiresome. And it gets painted as A-B being in the thrall of the "wokesters," when A-B is just engaging in good old-fashioned Capitalism.
No, they were engaged in capitalism 5+ years ago. Get woke, go broke. And the CEO's ridiculous statement and the obvious pandering fake patriotic ad change nothing. In fact, they just made it worse because everyone can smell the BS.
Didn't Christians basically steal the Christmas story from the Pagans to try to be more inclusive or something like that?
I think it was around 500 AD that the Catholic church, in its never ending lust for power, decided to usurp the Pagan festival and decide that Christ was born in December (he wasn't).


I think it was around 500 AD that the Catholic church, in its never ending lust for power, decided to usurp the Pagan festival and decide that Christ was born in December (he wasn't).


Yes, the time of year was changed to be near the Winter Solstice and I believe the tree and yule log were incorporated to assist in converting pagans. Doesn't Easter also coincide with the Vernal Equinox and it's pagan festival?

Scott2000, are you implying that "Happy Holidays" is intended to include neopagans?

Halloween most certainly isn't christian. It has it's roots in midwinter. Definitely Keltic. It was new years eve for the Kelts.

Christmas isn't christian either. Even Wikipedia gets that wrong. It goes back to rites of the German tribes.

In countries like Estland and Letland a lot of the pre-christian religion is still around today. Wikipedia tells us we know very little about pre-christian rituals. Partly true, since the christian churches did all they could to erase history. Fortunately, that didn't work up north.

In Africa, it almost worked. The church did everything they could to wipe out all signs of the ancient central African emperor state. Just like the US, that civilisation had square city blocks, a sign of urban planning. Timbuktu could be one of the remains they couldn't eradicate, since it was covered by Sahara sand by the time the christian monks arrived.

It all ended with the Luba and Lunda empires, destroyed by westerners and arabs during the slave trade, in the 17th and 18th century. Later, christian monks did their very best to destroy all traces of these "pagan" culture.

I've been asked to define "woke" and it seems to be a constantly shifting target... Kind of like the characterization of pornography made by Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart: "I know it when I see it" (1964). So I will only offer that the Disney remake of Snow White looks like they jumped the woke shark.

These are the new 7 "magical creatures".... and they don't have a problem with the name "Snow White"?


PS; Bob Iger who came out of retirement to quickly right the Disney ship has just extended his un-retirement another two years... Disney has issues and may not be simpatico with their customers.
I've been asked to define "woke" and it seems to be a constantly shifting target... Kind of like the characterization of pornography made by Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart: "I know it when I see it" (1964). So I will only offer that the Disney remake of Snow White looks like they jumped the woke shark.

These are the new 7 "magical creatures".... and they don't have a problem with the name "Snow White"?


PS; Bob Iger who came out of retirement to quickly right the Disney ship has just extended his un-retirement another two years... Disney has issues and may not be simpatico with their customers.
It would seem like Disney no longer cares about getting a large profit out of movies; they seem to constantly flop in theaters. I assume this "Snow Latinx" movie will be no exception. So, if profit is not the main drive for Disney, one can only assume that indoctrinating the new generations is their main objective. Perhaps they are getting extra money elsewhere in order to do exactly what they are doing.

P.S. The dwarfs, or rather "magical creatures", look like your average group of vegans or hipsters at Star Bucks.
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It would seem like Disney no longer cares about getting a large profit out of movies; they seem to constantly flop in the theaters. I assume this "Snow Latinx" movie will be no exception. So, if profit is not the main drive for Disney, one can only assume that indoctrinating the new generations is their main objective. Perhaps they are getting extra money elsewhere in order to do exactly what they are doing.

P.S. The dwarfs, or rather "magical creatures", look like your average group of vegans or hipsters at Star Bucks.
IMO the inmates are running the asylum... Bob Iger was supposed to return adult judgement to the process, but the new culture seems pretty deeply entrenched.

What is it exactly we are supposed to be rolling our eyes at here?
The hyperbolic appeal to diversity. Disney’s forthcoming live-action “Snow White” is under fire for being so “politically correct” that it’s reimagining the seven dwarfs as “magical creatures” of all sizes and genders.

Snow White and the 7 dwarves was originally an animated musical film released in 1937.

I sold my disney stock years ago. Disney owns ABC and ESPN so Disney is behind some of those sources bias. Reportedly Iger is considering selling ABC and ESPN now to help bail out the magic kingdom.

The hyperbolic appeal to diversity. Disney’s forthcoming live-action “Snow White” is under fire for being so “politically correct” that it’s reimagining the seven dwarfs as “magical creatures” of all sizes and genders.
I see: the diversity is the problem? If they decided to remake Snow White, it should have been done with a white woman in the lead, with 7 caucasian dwarfs, abiding by the strict medical height limit of 4'10"?
I see: the diversity is the problem? If they decided to remake Snow White, it should have been done with a white woman in the lead, with 7 caucasian dwarfs, abiding by the strict medical height limit of 4'10"?
sorry if I am not being clear... I am not a fan of remakes at all, while modern Disney seems short on creativity (unlike the original Disney pioneered by Walt).

I worry that woke culture is catering to a minuscule subset of the general population that carries disproportionate influence to try to make everybody behave as they dictate. The snow white casting is just another example of them falling in line.

The good news is that the actor/writer strike means that nobody will be making any movies for a while. :unsure:


PS: I wonder if chatGPT is a member of either union?
disney's snow white was a toned down version of the brother's grimm story which was itself a variant of a folktale. it's been changed and updated for over 100 years. you're grown men arguing about a children's story and doing it badly
So I'm not only ignorant, I'm a dickhead..? Sticks and stones guys... I've been called worse, one lady on facebook called me a drummer. :rolleyes:

For the record I pointed it out as an example of some ESG/DEI over reactive companies bending over so far backwards that they can kiss their own a__.

I don't really care, disney can drill holes in the bottom of their own boat all that they like.

If they decided to remake Snow White, it should have been done with a white woman in the lead, with 7 caucasian dwarfs, abiding by the strict medical height limit of 4'10"?
Yes. Better yet, don't remake anything and release something original, rather than ruining what we already have.