Hello my name a-borat

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2019
No, I'm ofc joking. My name is Emil, and I run a small studio in Sweden. I've been an avid reader of this forum for years, but didn't have the courage to say very much. Got into audio electronics and diy during a long sick leave following the ugly culmination of bipolar disorder at a young age. It truly was an important part of my healing process. Eventually learning and focusing on something beyond what's been.
For a few years I've been building eq:s and compressors for my own studio and studios of friends. Recently building an on-board "rack" for my - already super modified - mixing desk with custom made cassettes for tracking, to minimize the amount of outboard patching. I like to get most of the stuff done immediately, like any decent recording engineer...

Looking forward to partake in some interesting conversations with you all.

Have a beautifully sounding day!

There is a significant number of folk here for whom DIY is an effective therapy. Welcome.


Thank you Ian! I have no doubts about that.
for me it's an addiction and joining this nice group made it worse :)
Welcome aboard Emil
Yes, it is. I often have to remind myself to keep track of time, so that I don't spend all night every night at the bench or in the studio.
And thanks!