Good thoughts, Doug. I have a few different types and brands of tubes coming for the purpose of more useful testing, so I'm there with you.
I'll also try the filter to see what that does.
When you say that it sounds like "ass" with a 6J5 I feel I have to take that with a grain of salt. I may be nitpicking here, but such descriptions, to me, fall into the category of the "plug-ins suck" and "digital is ****" comments made by people on Gearslutz who read too many magazines and have no ears of their own. You, Doug, clearly have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so an "ass" description from you DOES make me want to investigate the matter more, but is it really, to your ears, that dramatic? I really enjoy the sound of this preamp with the 6J7/6J5 combo (more so than my G9 and a buddy's VAC RAC preamps). If this is 'ass', then I want to hear what a good one sounds like!

I have a couple of NOS 6C5's on the way that I'll be trying as well.
What tube compliment do you prefer with the SA-70? The stock 6J7/6C5? What about with a BA-2 (I'll wrap up a BA-2 when my sockets arrive this week).
Also, do you have the feedback caps in all of your SA-70's, or just some? I have yet to get those in, but will shortly. And what transformers are in yours? I remember you said UTC's, but which models?
This is all very interesting. I'm looking forward to rolling some tubes with this and the BA-2 when it's finished.
Thanks, Doug, for you time and for sharing your knowledge.