I am searching for a Culture Vulture similar processor circuit

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2016
Hello to everybody
I have found this really interesting forum "surfing" on the net searching for a schematic of a Culture Vulture similar processor (I want to realise a tube circuit to add  a subtle distortion to the recordings)
This is my first post here
Someone can help me?
As far as I know, it's still undocumented. And still in production, so no real interest in cloning.

From the description and from listening to what it does, it should not be that hard to come up with something similar.

Just experiment - and let us know what you find...!

Jakob E.
Thank you Jakob
I found on the net some tube schamtics but essentially they are compressors or preamplifiers that already I use, and unfortunately although I have some experience to build a circuit I have no experience to design it
Wire up 6AS6 as a pentode and add a variable supressor grid voltage which you can vary from maybe -10V to 0V relative to cathode. That's a good way to use 6AS6 to make some distortion. Or maybe even try positive G3 voltages, it might create some interesting distortion.
Great, I have just seen that thread and there are two versions, the "rude tube" and the "rude tube ivory".
I think that the version for me is the rude tube, but it seems there are no more PCB available and the PCB design is not posted
I would suggest to build a Rude Tube Ivory. It's extremely simple to build and can do everything you're searching for, from creamy tube sound to badass distortion. The tone stack sounds cool as well. There are no pcbs available for the Rude Tube version I. Version II is still in my head. There is another project (Federal Limiter) coming first.
Hi Bernd, the "Ivory" version is interesting but I think that the "No Ivory" version seems to be the one cosest to my needs
Eventually you find a couple of PCB let me know!