First I gotta say the last time I did serious recording was in the last Millenium so take what I say with a pinch of salt. In the end, as various people have said, you have to listen for yourself and if it sounds good, it IS good.
I'll try to explain some of what is going on a bit later to help you achieve what you want.
Brown's first arrangement with hypers (or cardioids pointing straight forward is another of Tony Faulkners inventions.
Blumlein Fig-8 is my favourite if the venue is good. But the Fig-8s must be good. I've used Calrec Mk4 Soundfield, TetraMic, AKG C414, the Schoeps CM8 (I think) and also STC 4038 ribbons.
Download some of Aaron Heller's recordings from The
standalone VVMic is still available and you can use it to see what 'perfect' Fig-8s, cardioids etc sound like when coincident. The Mk4 Soundfield has 'flat' response in ALL directions including up & down; and TetraMic is not far behind.
Like you and k brown, most of the time, I could only use headphones on location. IIRC, there was only I site I used regularly where I could set up decent monitoring speakers. I used to record the same sort of stuff as you guys too
For good stereo on speakers, the headphone sound would have to sound 'a bit too wide'.
I'm recommending MS cos good Fig-8s are rare and $$$ I've not used the AKG SDC but Paul Hodges on has and he has recordings using the AKG SDC, C414 and his TetraMic too.
You have to choose and listen for yourself. With a choir, precise localisation isn't important so spaced omnis is good. If I had my Soundfield Mk4 prototype or TetraMic, I would use that. MS would be good too. You've probably realised I'm not a fan of ORTF.
For stuff outside the speakers, you need sorta out of phase stuff.
Blumlein Fig-8s give you this for the hall sound while retaining good localisation. There is a seamless transition which helps make the speakers disappear.
Spaced omnis give you loads of out of phase but muck up localisation at the same time.
Coincident XY cardioids don't give you any OOP stuff and always sound mono-ish to me.
ORTF doesn't give you OOP stuff at LF but the spacing gives you OOP stuff at HF. But the 'main' localisation cues are at LF so mono-ish but with some nice 'air' at HF. I'll claim it was invented for mono compatibility
I apologise to yus pedants for my Heretical description of these Sacred mike arrangements.