Interface Recommendations

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Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Apr 20, 2023
What are y'all rocking for a ADAT to computer interface?

Running Apogee AD16 and DA 16 converters with ADAT out but need to hit an interface to convert to something the CPU can read. Looking for at least 16 channels.

I've seen good things about the Antelopes but don't need anything state of the art for this project.
I have the RME RayDAT card and it is fantastic. The USB version mentioned above should also be an excellent choice. I can't recommend RME highly enough. They're head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to drivers and rock solid stability. The included TotalMix DSP mixer allows anything-to-anything routing and applications can share the driver without problems.
RME and Lynx are generally the way to go when it comes to drivers.

What format do you need the adat? Pci, pcie, usb?

Antelope makes nice sounding converters, but their support leaves something to be desired.
That's what I've run into in the past with Antelope. Looking for USB since my computer (Intel NUC) won't run external cards like PCIe. I like the RME route, anything comparable in the ballpark? The lynx options I've seen (auroras) are too high budget for this.
Not crazy, they even made a video about that on their youtube channel. USB2 is plenty enough for audio.

I vouch for RME too. It's rock solid and they keep updating drivers even for very very old hardware my fireface 800 is about 20 years old and still running great.