I-Ight, sorry guys for the long hiatus - back to Cnb-land...
The wiper goes to ground, and the way I made the board was
L1, L2, GND, R2, R1 with 1 and 2 being the pot stack and L and
R the in and out terminal of each pot respectively. That way, you
can't wire your pot the wrong way, if dry is clockwise and you
want it the other way round, you can just reverse the connector.
The thing with the Trafo I'm not sure about, but the way it's
built is that the CnB fits in before the output driver stage, so
if it worked right before with those values it won't change because
of the CnB. The 22R up there does look temptingly close to
the output 10K, but electronically speaking it's miles away