Is this another clone being sold?

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> ADL can sell a clone and be considered a 'reputable designer/manufacturer', but if someone no one knows sells their own LA2A clone, i have a feeling you guys would jump all over him. where's the difference?

As a business: Anthony puts HIS name on the boxes. Also he is not a fly-by-night one-shot (or 10-shot) eBay seller. He has a business, he has built up a client list, you can find his clients through him or word on the street, and ask if his boxes and business policies are good or not. While there is an obvious similarity to another product, in style and guts, he isn't trying to make anybody think this IS an LA2. Any fool knows you can put a meter and 2 knobs on a face, yet be nothing like an LA2.

SMGaudio could be building a business too. If he's in it for the big bucks, he'll probably be disappointed, still I wish him luck. But starting by posting someone else's name as your own work isn't a good way to begin.

> I consider ADL's limiter to be a weak imitation of the original,

Well, fine. Some of us like weak beer. My own opto-limiters are quite mild, intended to be inaudible. Protection, not flavoring. This idea of deliberate distortion came after I stopped soldering. Perhaps DeMario was thinking along similar lines. Refined, and also cleaner than what was really a cheap limiter for 1957.
[quote author="PRR"]

> I consider ADL's limiter to be a weak imitation of the original,

Well, fine. Some of us like weak beer. My own opto-limiters are quite mild, intended to be inaudible. Protection, not flavoring. This idea of deliberate distortion came after I stopped soldering. Perhaps DeMario was thinking along similar lines. Refined, and also cleaner than what was really a cheap limiter for 1957.[/quote]

Good call.. i shouldn't have included my personal taste/opinion as part of the debate. Sometimes it's tough since I do have very strong opinions :?
Category 5 wrote
I's clearly unethical to sell somebody elses work for profit....we've established that. ...but I don't think there's anything wrong with selling your DIY gear if you don't use it anymore and want to get some funds for new there?

good point there Category 5, i was thinking similar ways...

if it doesn't come over as a scambizz it wouldn't hurt anyone. I just get a feeling we all thinnk that evilbay is heavy used among "wannamakesomecashquicks".
Strange to see a lot of times ppl mentioning the superdeal they did as buyer and getting credit for it by us. Imaging some-one selling coming telling us what good bizz he/she did, would we feel the same sympathy?

Not that i feel obliged to, but in case i had to sell something i DIY'd, i would first post it here (+ at The Black Market?) and inform that i might consider ebay as second salesspot. Would absolutely avoid misunderstandings as happening recently.
You got to remember Anthony Demaria started making his comps after UREI/JBL stopped making the LA2a and before UA was reborn. It's kinda like the way many companies make U47s. If Neumann isn't going to do it any more why not start a company to fill the void. Any one who knows anything can tell that the ADLs are a remake of the LA2a, but you can now get two in a two space rack. if Gyraf makes a product and then Behringer rips him off we got a problem. But if there is a great circuit that is no longer patented, common knowledge, and no longer produced, It is your duty to revive it! also I think ADL was the only one with the balls to tackle the Farechild!
Also, I think Purple was started out before UA part II.

Just think if it wasn't for TubeTec, Manley, or Gyraf you wouldn't be able to get a "Pultec" any more.
I had one of those stereo demaria things, my relationship with it was, ok, I paid all this money for this thing, Im gonna try to get a cool sound of it AGAIN, hopefully THIS time I'll get something usable. That went on for months and selling it was a total catharsis for me. What a piece of ****. You MUST pad the input of the thing, the input transformers of whoseever moronic design, have NOOOOOO headroom. Perhaps they were designed that way so you'd always be saturating the damn things, but it sort of sounded ok if you padded the input down 10 or 15 dB. By not doing that, my box was useless. It had the absolute worst horrific artifacts when you didnt pad it and my compressor rack is the freaking color factory, so thats a pretty strong statement coming from me. I often considered changing the transformers on it but developed such a loathing looking at it I was glad to see it go. Thats my ADL story, I hoped you guys all liked it. Another one of those instances where I thought it sucked and all the nonengineer musicians who dont know their ass from a soldering iron thought it sucked too and NO, it wasnt broken. Im sure that box is good for something, for several months of sessions I tried to find out what but had no luck. Sadly, the control on it was excellent, I really liked the feel of the t4b in there, it just sounded terrible though.

Just to relate a different opinion, I have an ADL 1000 and I like it very much, particularly on bass guitar. I've had excellent results going DI into a Millenia STT-1, then into the ADL 1000 before going to tape or Pro Tools.

I also have a UA 1176 and a pair of DIY LA2A's that I like a great deal, so I do have some decent gear to compare them to.

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