I've just ordered 2 more channels of BA's from Joe, they are going to have OEP transformers, and probably 99v's
I'm about to order my OEP transformers (from farnell), and I thought I'd get some different IC opamps to try as well, I see from the website that the NEC etc are not plug and play due to requiring a lower voltage.
anyway there seem to be different versions of the same opamp that say different voltages!
will this one work?
what about this one?
both say only +15V, or do they mean each side?
heres a 36v LM 833
does that mean each side or total, and would it work with the 48v supply?
heres a 15v LM833
also heres is a opa2604 that says only 15v, but we run our 2604's on 48v
as you can see i'm confused! and any clarification about which opamps will work or are worth trying would be great!