To follow up if anyone ever runs into this issue (or is just curious).
I found an email for Kelly Dueck so figured I'd just ask him. He graciously responded, talked about the HM7U and Song Sparrow a bit (I bought one of those after using the HM7U), and regarding the body removal he said this...
"Unfortunately, the only way to get the body tube off is to wiggle and finesse it off and around the switches."
I finally got around to taking a look. A little bit of knowledge and confidence goes a long way right! Prior I would have said no way I'm getting the body off without breaking the switches. Took a while and didn't force it, but knowing it could be done and after some experminents "wiggling", I can fairly easily and repeatably get the body on and off. Key seems to be to angle the edge of the body right above the switches down and out of the knurled headbasket ring first (at this point the body isn't really touching or putting any pressure on the switches), then you can shift the whole body over enough to clear the switches and remove (having the switches "in" pointing at each other seems to help). The initial finesse does take a little pressure, but not a lot though, it's more the angle off attack. And these are only like 2-4mm movements, which is about the amount of space cutout in the body around the switches. Before sliding the whole body off, any contact pressure between parts should only be between the body, and the underside of the headbasket frame and side of the XLR assembly at the bottom.
And this is for the earlier(?) version with the blue LED dot rather than strip (which I'm guessing doesn't have this issue :^)