I'm in a process of designing my own tube amp, and I would appreciate some input.
I picked the topology, which is similar to MILA preamp and already built a first bare bones prototype for experimenting.
Now I need to pick appropriate load lines for the stages.
Topology (not the actual schematic of course).
3 common cathode stage, first 2 using 12AX7, last one using 12AU7 in parallel. All cathode resistors fully bypassed.
1:10 input transformer, still not sure about output transformer. Perhaps a LL5402 (4:1). + DI input for guitar/bass.
About 55-60dB of total gain is needed (in mic mode).
Volume is controlled with a gain pot (100k for now) and there is a 4 position 3 pole switch, for negative feedback control.
Goes without saying, but I would like maximum clean headroom this topology would allow (and least distortion).
Power supply is 300V max, and can be reduced for respective stages.
Grid leak resistors are 1M and grid stoppers are 270 Ohms.
The questions are:
1) How would you setup the different stages? I included blank graphs in the attachment - I would appreciate if you could draw some load lines with quiescent points, that would be a good starting point. No need to give resistor values etc - I'll calculate cathode and plate resistors myself.
2) I'm not sure how I should spread gain factors over stages? Just evenly? Or maybe I should more gain on the 12AX7 stages, and low gain on the 12AU7 stage (use it to reduce output impedance), considering 12ax7 is a higher gain tube than 12au7.
1:10 Transformer 20dB
Stage 1: 20 dB
Stage 2: 20 dB
Stage 3: 10 dB
Output transformer 4:1 -12dB
3) Output transformer: if I understand it correctly, the main goal should be (aside from balancing the signal) to reduce the output impedance (for impedance bridging, at least 5 times less than the following device of typical 600 Ohm)? Or is there something else?
Any other remarks are welcome. Maybe changing the tubes or replacing the last stage with different configuration? (triode in parallel seems like a waste).
I picked the topology, which is similar to MILA preamp and already built a first bare bones prototype for experimenting.
Now I need to pick appropriate load lines for the stages.
Topology (not the actual schematic of course).

3 common cathode stage, first 2 using 12AX7, last one using 12AU7 in parallel. All cathode resistors fully bypassed.
1:10 input transformer, still not sure about output transformer. Perhaps a LL5402 (4:1). + DI input for guitar/bass.
About 55-60dB of total gain is needed (in mic mode).
Volume is controlled with a gain pot (100k for now) and there is a 4 position 3 pole switch, for negative feedback control.
Goes without saying, but I would like maximum clean headroom this topology would allow (and least distortion).
Power supply is 300V max, and can be reduced for respective stages.
Grid leak resistors are 1M and grid stoppers are 270 Ohms.
The questions are:
1) How would you setup the different stages? I included blank graphs in the attachment - I would appreciate if you could draw some load lines with quiescent points, that would be a good starting point. No need to give resistor values etc - I'll calculate cathode and plate resistors myself.
2) I'm not sure how I should spread gain factors over stages? Just evenly? Or maybe I should more gain on the 12AX7 stages, and low gain on the 12AU7 stage (use it to reduce output impedance), considering 12ax7 is a higher gain tube than 12au7.
1:10 Transformer 20dB
Stage 1: 20 dB
Stage 2: 20 dB
Stage 3: 10 dB
Output transformer 4:1 -12dB
3) Output transformer: if I understand it correctly, the main goal should be (aside from balancing the signal) to reduce the output impedance (for impedance bridging, at least 5 times less than the following device of typical 600 Ohm)? Or is there something else?
Any other remarks are welcome. Maybe changing the tubes or replacing the last stage with different configuration? (triode in parallel seems like a waste).