o3misha said:

sorry. Could you explain why 30 pa input grid 1 current is important? How did you measured this?
I'll try to describe grid current measuring method (please, see the attach):
There is voltage drop at the grid series resistor (I use 100M).
If you short this resistor, the grid potential changes and voltage at plate changes too.
So, you can measure voltage change at the plate.
The tube has some amplification k, so the voltage change at the grid is k times lower than voltage change at the plate.
And now you divide voltage change at the grid by resistance of the grid series resistor.
Ig=dVp/(R*k), where:
Ig - grid current;
dVp - voltage change at the plate
k - amplification;
R - series grid resistor.
Why it's important to have lower Ig (imho):
Input grid current has nonlinear nature.
It works like diode that is connected parallel to the microphone capsule and causes additional distortion.