Yes... and no.
There are several far east manufacturers that have based their versions of that particular microcontroller based tester on the Frejek/Kübbeler work, but the more one reads about it, the more apparent it becomes that a lot of corners have been cut on the far east offerings.
Not surprising at all considering the price those testers are offered.
There are also alleged differences between the manufacturers as well.
I have two different ones from completely different sources, and while the values measured are similar enough to be useful between those two, there are differences.
The PCB's are similar, but not the same.
IDK about the circuitry, but I'd assume that there's differences in there as well.
As there are probably in the firmwares as well.
The ****** of it is the fact that it's almost impossible to find out what particular manufacturer has followed the original work the closest, so buying one of the far east offerings is a roll of dice.
But a cheap one at that

AFAIK there are quite a few individuals that assemble, test and sell those testers in the west as well, but the price is obviously something entirely different.
And as per the original idea behind that project, there's always the DIY route.
Whether those aforementioned differences matter in the real world, that's a different topic.
And also something that everyone has to decide for themselves.
FWIW (instructions on measuring coils) is on page 45 "section 3.10 Measurement of coils"
Those instructions are as good as any place to start, but not all of them are accurate on the clones.