Electronics 101
Experiment - Common Cathode Amplifier Page 1
1. To observe how a small change in DC voltage on the control grid is amplified by a triode vacuum tube and appears as a large change in voltage on the plate.
2. To locate the linear portion of the amplifiers characteristics for distortionless amplification.
Power supply: 0-400VDC (B+) (Vpp), 0-125 VDC- (C-)(Vgg), and 6.3 VAC (A).
Voltmeter: VTVM
Resistors: 22,000-ohm 1/2 watt.
Tube: 12AU7 (similar tubes: 6SN7 and 6J5)
A vacuum tube is a device which converts small changes in grid voltage into changes in plate current, not unlike the transistor. In order to change plate current changes into variations in plate voltage we must insert a load resistor between the plate and supply voltage. Thus, there is a variable resistor--the tube--in series with the load resistor. The plate voltage at any time is according to KIRCHOFF's law: Vpk = Vpp - VRL and VRL = Ip x RL .
If Vgg, the value of the grid bias, becomes more negative the current through the tube will decrease causing the voltage drop across the load resistor (RL) to decrease allowing the plate voltage to rise. Similarly, if Vgg, the grid, becomes less negative (or we could say, more positive) plate current (Ip) will increase so Vpk will decrease. The actual changes in current and voltage will depend upon the characteristics of a particular tube, the load resistor and the power supply voltage.
It is desirable for an amplifier to have a constant gain over its operating range.
That is, a change of 1-volt on the grid should produce the same plate voltage change, no matter whether the change is from -3 to -4 or -7 to -8 or -6 to -5. If the gain varies for different amplitudes of input voltage then the amplifier signal will be distorted or change in waveform from the original signal. This is generally undesirable, and to avoid it we must limit the input signal within the linear part.
1. Connect the circuit shown. Wire up the filament first by twisting the hook-up wire 3 turns per inch and placing it down against the chassis out of the way.
2. Have the teacher check your wiring.
3. Set Vpp at 200 volts (check it often).
4. Set Vgg at zero volts.
5. Measure and record Vpk: Ip: V-RL:
6. Repeat steps 3,4 and 5 for for every voltage shown for grid voltage (Vgg).
1.Let us again prove Kirchoff's law that states that the sum of the voltage drops equals the applied voltage. In this experiment, where it is purely resistive, just add V-PK to V-RL and record in TABLE A on line "TOTAL V." This should be very close to 200 volts which you set as the B+ to begin with.
2. Now lets again prove that a series circuit has the same current throughout.
This method is also the one you must sometimes use in trouble shooting circuits.
Take the voltage drop across the resistor (RL) and divide it by its actual resistance, which was 24,000 ohms. Record this in the next to last line on front page. These answers should be very close to those of the meter.
3. Now to determine the gain (amplification) we must use change in voltage because we are dealing with so called static values. Our formula is:
Av = a change in DC on plate
a change in DC on grid
To use this, merely take one plate voltage and subtract it from the larger and be sure to use the same grid voltage for the particular plate voltage and subtract them. The easiest here is to use only 1 volt grid change.
From your data draw graphs of Ip versus VgK on graph A.
VgK 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15
Ip ma 6.0 5.4 4.8 4.0 3.6 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.5 1.2 .8 .5 .2 .1 .05 .01V-PK 62 80 95 108 120 138 147 155 160 168 185 190 195 198 199 200V-RL 139 120 105 92 80 62 53 45 40 33 16 10 6 2 1 0TOTAL 201 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 200 201 200 200Ip (calc)6.2 5.6 4.9 4.1 3.7 2.9 2.4 2.0 1.4 1.3 .85 .51 .22 .15 .07 .00GAIN 0 18 15 13 12 12 10 8 7 8 7 5 5 3 1 0