Michael Tibes said:
I can't really understand the mid EQ at first glance, but why don't you just give it a try to swap the 741 and see what happens? I've had good experiences with kicking them out, it is actually the only opamp I know which really sounds 'bad' to me. It is hard to explain, somewhat choked and grainy.
Do you have the schematics of the rest of the console's audio circuit? Just curious, up until the mid eq it seems to be the most minimalistic channel design I've ever seen. I could imagine that Teds sonic description might be right, even though I also find his other claims regarding headroom rather obscure.
Hello Michael,
I don't have the schematics of the other parts of the console, even this schematic for the Channel's circuit might have mistakes.
But the circuit is so simple that I will trace it when I have the time.
Yes I can confirm that Ted is right in is sonic description of this console. Thats why I bought mine, at that time I didnt even know that there were a lot of people still using this desk, and knew nothing on the circuit or it's history.
It's a simple 8 channel mixer with a stereo "Echo Return"
Every channel has unbalanced Direct Out, you can select pre or post fader with a jumper on the PCB
EQ has High, Low, and semi-parametric Mids
1x Aux Pre fader
1xAux Post Fader
Summing is passive
Then it Feeds a Stereo Limiter in the Master Section
Unbalanced LR Outs
As for the 741 Opamp yes It's quite an horrible device, I already binned all the 741's yesterday.
I wil try OPA134, if I encounter any problems I move to the TL071. I have both at the workshop
Thank you