Minimoog schematics with partlists found

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Shame to see this thread die so quickly. I havn't much time to digest the VCO schematics, but remember that the version that uses the UA-726 should be avoided for stability issues (not to mention how hard it will be to find 3 UA726's). I have *many* different schems for the minimoog in my collection, including complete backups of what we are looking at here. Also, I've just gotten a message from Mark Smith at saying that he *is* planning on making his efforts more public! This is excellent news!
[quote author="5meo-geo"]i will try to make u pcb images from his circuits
its seems he have bit different values of few parts on his schemes compared to originals.... ill mark them with *


PS i think the main problem is to make it with keyboard....
maybe someone can desing midi adaptation for it ... even if its only for notes input without all the knobs controll[/quote]

How bout this:

A list of midi circuits:
[quote author="moogah"]Yes, it's really too bad that guy doesn't want to share his layouts. I've emailed him about it a couple times, but never received a response. Thats actually a really neat way of getting the layout, one I havn't tried and so far your results are a good bit better than mine. If there are some photoshop guru's in the forum I'm pretty shure that the layouts at FJP can be 'shopped to remove the components and firm up the traces, leaving a rather nice layout. I've given it a good go, and got 70% acceptable results, but need some help getting better definition of the traces. (Erasing the components manually really isn't as hard work as it might first seem).[/quote]

I emailed him and kind of invited him to the forum in case he isn't one of us.
I am shure that our sharing spirit will melt his heart :green:
[quote author="hejsan"][quote author="moogah"]Yes, it's really too bad that guy doesn't want to share his layouts. I've emailed him about it a couple times, but never received a response. Thats actually a really neat way of getting the layout, one I havn't tried and so far your results are a good bit better than mine. If there are some photoshop guru's in the forum I'm pretty shure that the layouts at FJP can be 'shopped to remove the components and firm up the traces, leaving a rather nice layout. I've given it a good go, and got 70% acceptable results, but need some help getting better definition of the traces. (Erasing the components manually really isn't as hard work as it might first seem).[/quote]

I emailed him and kind of invited him to the forum in case he isn't one of us.
I am shure that our sharing spirit will melt his heart :green:[/quote]

I also emailed him to compliment him on his design. In his reply (after one month) he stated that he might be selling pcb's or layouts in the near future.

I also pointed him to this forum and to this thread....
5meogeo, how is this going? This is at the top of my DIY list. I'm sorry I'm not able to help with figuring out the oscillator circuit, but that's well above my ability.

Just curious for an update.
sorry guys im bussy lately with midibox and gssl so hadnt much time to spend on that

also plz dont take those pcb's as obvious......
im prety amature and posibly made few mistakes here and there (hope not but u never know till u build one)
so plz someone crosscheck those

if anyone wants .sch and .brd files of eagle pm me

and Osc's schematics is too complicated for me
the dude at didnt shows his version of osc schematics so someone will need to figure out the original's routing

PS clearity about 2xEG pcb
i desing it to be only 2 pots on pcb to hold it on front pannel
all rest 4 pots are off pcb board and should be connected as shown on layout

man... minimoog pcbs... that would be about the coolest thing ever

if something with midi implementation was around, i'd tear open this m-audio POS in a split second
here u go





One problem
what is this input????????

so what are the pcbs required for this, and would someone need only one of each?

VCA, VCO, filter....

Just trying to get a bigger picture of this. Very cool stuff man. And what type of keyboard could be ripped apart to host this thing?
vco,vcf,vca,2xeg,Mixer,Noise,Power supply,left hand controll

for keyboard its posible to use midi->cv module from Trevor's page but this reques programig the PIC16xxx chip... it will make it posible to make 2-3 U rack module with midi in for gate/pitch


it was desinged for 303 clones but posible to adupt to this project

any alternatives are wellcome
A 3u rack module would be the coolest.

I'm not versed at all in pcb layout or schematic altering, but I could certainly design a nice front panel and put together a good BOM with sources once enough info is handy.

I'll help out with this one any way I can (which sadly isn't much).... perhaps if some prototypes get worked out I could foot the bill to fab a batch of boards..... if that's kosher with this particular set of designs, etc....

[quote author="synthetic"]A rack version might look a little bit like this:[/quote]

That will be fine!

Any idea for the keyboard (will a 50-buck Casio fit? )
val im trying to set midi port on this baby so any keyboard with midi out will be fine

anyway for rack version ill need to redesing some pcb's to fit the sizes

gona desing mixer/noise/power today :)
so someone crack this osc already :)
this project almost done
For those involved... I've redesigned board No. 4 (VCF+VCA), justneed to correctly scale: edge card pitch should be 3.96mm (correct me if I'm wrong).
Any young man who has time to do the rest out there?!?!


