I remembered that I have subscribed there a long time ago, so I posted my answer there.
I remembered that I have subscribed there a long time ago, so I posted my answer there.
I Agree 100%: physics is physics. Condenser MS microphones are all pressure/ gradient-pressure (omni, cardioid or eight: the latter is in fact a couple of back-to-back cardioids...), the only velocity MS example is the original Blumlein Array!It is exactly the other way around. When I checked my own built ribbon prototypes against condensers to define the correct phasing I found this differene of 90 deg. even at moderate frequencies!
A pressure sensitive transducer provides maximum amplitude at the peak of sine soundwave --> maximum pressure. A veloctity transducer provides maximum amplitude at the stepest part of the sine wave --> maximum velocity. These are 90 deg. apart.
What about the phase lag of current in the primary coil of the ribbon transformer - doesn’t that shift the whole perspective as there is a lag in the time for the ribbon transformer to produce an output on its secondary?It is exactly the other way around. When I checked my own built ribbon prototypes against condensers to define the correct phasing I found this differene of 90 deg. even at moderate frequencies!
A pressure sensitive transducer provides maximum amplitude at the peak of sine soundwave --> maximum pressure. A veloctity transducer provides maximum amplitude at the stepest part of the sine wave --> maximum velocity. These are 90 deg. apart.
There is lag in the ribbon element by itself. A dynamic mic with a transformer will have lag - SM57 and 58. A dynamic mic will have lag in the voice coil anyway without a transformer. Literally there are phase differences between mics differing electronically of any type.is there a phase lag in a condenser with a transformer? Is there no lag in an "active" ribbon microphone?
No problem. After spending countless (sometimes fruitless) hours on phase flipping and EQ’ing tracks on tape mixes without the luxury of being able to slide audio tracks in a DAW, it was a simple progression to get time cohesive drums and other instruments with multi-mics.That's very interesting. I do quite a bit of time alignment myself when necessary. What you're saying technically is what I have felt intuitively but never had an explanation for. Thank you.
Blumlein and MS are completely different things; Blumlein is stereo right out of the mics, MS requires dematrixing, and has quite different advantages and disadvantages. All they have in common is they are both coincident stereo arrays.I Agree 100%: physics is physics. Condenser MS microphones are all pressure/ gradient-pressure (omni, cardioid or eight: the latter is in fact a couple of back-to-back cardioids...), the only velocity MS example is the original Blumlein Array!
Of course.I Agree 100%: physics is physics.
Not always, check Sennheiser or Schoeps fig-8 condensers, they are true velocity sensors.Condenser MS microphones are all pressure/ gradient-pressure (omni, cardioid or eight: the latter is in fact a couple of back-to-back cardioids...),
The origial Blumlein array used ribbon mics, because they were the only practical choice for fig-8, but it has been proved times and times that fig-8 condenser mics, wheteher they are natively so, or by combining cardioids, give excellent results, thus are not "the only velocity MS example".the only velocity MS example is the original Blumlein Array!
The only significant phase difference is that resulting from sensing velocity and/or pressure. The rest is phase differnces that are collateral to frequency response.There is lag in the ribbon element by itself. A dynamic mic with a transformer will have lag - SM57 and 58. A dynamic mic will have lag in the voice coil anyway without a transformer. Literally there are phase differences between mics differing electronically of any type.
Very likely because the frequency response matches, not because of an inherent phase difference.That’s possibly why I found the best results for M/S using two identical mics with the correct available two pattern choices.
Multi-micing is a different subject. Even using all condenser mics or all dynamic mics in a multi-micing situation leads to cancellation issues that are due to the physical distance and acoustic travel differences.In the long run, when recording a drum kit for example, if I’m getting cancellation problems - lots of mics, different types, different positions - I just go into the software and look at the relative wave positions of sidestick hits (I get the drummer to do a count-in in time with the intro click) on all the close mic tracks at the beginning of a take and slide each tracks’ audio into place to match that of the snare - room mic I leave - overheads I play with until it becomes cohesive. The same can apply to M/S recording.
abbey, why you call it a "wrong analysis"?This is a quite extraordinary claim. Actually, ALL figure-8 mics are velocity transducers, whatever the technology. Omni are strictly pressure transducers. Cardioids of all variations are pressure-gradient transducers.
I'd like a demonsration of this ASSertion.
Demonstration of how a wrong analysis leads to a wrong conclusion.
thank you MicUlli... although I don't have a solid background to fully understand your technical and scientific explanation, nevertheless it is something I grasped in the past. I guess we can fairly assume a plane wave is not something a microphone transducer is always picking up, is it? Definitely not in close-miking arrangements...I see a lot of misconception here.
A plane wave (almost true also for waves excited by point sources only far enough away) is characterised by it's sound pressure p (scalar) and its sound velocity v (vector). p and v are linked together by Z (sound impedance). Because Z = rho x c (density times speed of sound) sound pressure p and sound velocity are ALWAYS in phase in a sound field obeying the plane wave rule.
If there is a standing wave (addition of two waves travelling in opposite direction) you might get LOCAL minima and maxima for sound pressure and sound velocity. Probably this is the cause of confusing interpretations seen in this thread..
Best regards
So there is no current lag in your mind for a velocity mic when an internal transformer passes a signal from a dynamic capsule or a ribbon to the XLR socket on the mic? I was taught that current lags voltage by 90deg in an inductor. The voltage can’t get through a transformer before the current flows so how can there be a perfect 90deg phase lead for a velocity sensing mic over a pressure or pressure gradient mic which senses voltage max at diaphragm excursion peak, when there is no current flow yet, so therefore no mag field, no coupling to transformer secondary, no output voltage yet - or am I missing something?The only significant phase difference is that resulting from sensing velocity and/or pressure. The rest is phase differnces that are collateral to frequency response.
Probably, I still have several misconceptions. But I maintain that there are no velocity transducers in studio microphones—only pressure gradients. Your statement above is true for the velocity, but apparently not for the pressure gradient. Unfortunately, this document is in German, but the formulas should be understandable without the explanation.I see a lot of misconception here.
A plane wave (almost true also for waves excited by point sources only far enough away) is characterised by it's sound pressure p (scalar) and its sound velocity v (vector). p and v are linked together by Z (sound impedance). Because Z = rho x c (density times speed of sound) sound pressure p and sound velocity are ALWAYS in phase in a sound field obeying the plane wave rule.
If the pressure gradient is always 90° ahead to the sound pressure, why is MS stereophony with an omni-directional pressure microphone and a pressure gradient figure-of-eight microphone no problem?
The frequency response of the pressure gradient increases with frequency at 6 dB/octave. To compensate for this, these microphones are "tuned damped". In the electrical analogy,this represents an RC pad above its transition frequency causes a drop of 6 dB/octave, and shifts the phase constant at −90°. In the whole area in which the "pressure gradient figure-of-eight microphone" has a constant frequency response, thus, the phase is equal to the "pressure omni-directional microphone".
Maybe, that’s a language problem, but all the references (mostly in German) I have here consider also ribbon microphones to be pressure gradient transducers. Velocity microphones are certainly possible and apparently have no membrane.That's it!
The naming velocity microphone is mainly related to ribbons and is based on the fact that the output voltage is proportional to the ribbon velocity. In fact the ribbon mic is of type pressure gradient with fig8 pattern. The pressure gradient rises with 6dB/oct, the ribbon velocity falls with 6dB/oct (because of the low tuning frequency). Both together causes a considerably flat response.
BR MicUlli
First because you think taht combining two signals thar 90° apart results in a "wrong" signal. Then for mixing acoustic phase issues, due to different acoustic paths with phase-shift related to transducers.abbey, why you call it a "wrong analysis"?
Not true. If the diaphragm was left with no damping, that may be partially true, but in order to achiebve a flat-ish response, it must be damped, which results in mechanical phase-shift that compensates whatever phase-shift due to the transduction process.maybe what bert37 means is that when SPL is @ max
- a capacitor transducer's output is max
Care to explain?P.S. Sorry, reading your capitals was quite disappointing