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Can you please share a pic of the front panal in a bit more detail? I might be interested... but am a bit fussy and dont like the look of the 'shadowbuss' bit  ;)

I know you cant please everyone though, so if its staying its no biggy.

snipsnip said:
but am a bit fussy and dont like the look of the 'shadowbuss' bit  ;)

Neither do I. lol

ruckus328 said:
Fonts on the front panel are only preliminary.

That was all just a quicky so there was some sort of text there.  The "Shadowbuss" text is totally lame.  All the other fonts are just Arial.  My wife's a graphic artist, she's working on the real deal.

If anyone wants to cast their vote though, I'm undecided if to go with a more plain, typical type font, or something a little more funky looking.
ahh, cool, my bad for not seeing that!

I would be inclined to go simple in most cases... but would be interesting to see something a little out of the ordinary.

Me I fell in love back then with Calisto MT and now it's Futura Medium all over the place (with Copperplate and Aviano doing
some sorta entry on stage and then exit left ;) ).

Wife=Graphic Artist? Yeah :D Now me curious.
Urgh.....this thing is gonna be the death of me.  :'(

OK, so I just discovered a slight logistics problem.  It's not electrical but mechanical in nature.  It's those little toggle switches for EXT IN/GR Resolution/In/OUT/L/R.  I picked them because they're compact, and plenty of sources/manufacturers that will fit.  Well, just recieved mine, and realized they're ON-(ON) switches.  Upon further investigation it appears that ALL of the style that will fit are ON-(ON), which means you can't tell if they're in the N/O or N/C position, they just click when you press them and then pop right back out, in other words, they don't stay "in" when you press them "in".  This isn't too big of an issue for the GR resolution & Ext in, and could even make due with it for the IN/OUT on the bargraph, but for the L/R on the bargraph, it's an issue, because you'd have no way of knowing if you're showing Left or Right on the bargraph.

I already came up with some solutions:

1) Leave it like this.....ehh, not a fan

2) These are also available in illuminated pcb mount versions.  To integrate provisions to use illuminated switches here would require 2 little boards that the pushbuttons mount to, 1 for the EXT IN/GR Resolution, and another for the bargraph switches.  They'd each have a little connector on them and wire back to the main board.  This would actually result in even less wiring and less soldertail wiring.

3) Remove the Bargraph circuitry from the main board all together.  Make it on an external board.  Make it a stereo bargraph on the front panel like I wanted it to be in the first place.  Just checked, it will fit, I can do it.  It will add maybe $10-$12 in component cost making it stereo.  Not much really.  Possibly might have to lose the GR resolution all together, because I have to still have a toggle for IN/OUT and it won't fit where the bargraph is if I make it stereo.  But, it's possible I may be able to fit all three toggles switches stacked vertically right next to the analog meter.  If doing this then I'd definitely make a tiny mounting board for the 3 to solder to, which will really cut back on wiring even more.

ruckus328 said:
Urgh.....this thing is gonna be the death of me.  :'(

OK, so I just discovered a slight logistics problem.  It's not electrical but mechanical in nature.  It's those little toggle switches for EXT IN/GR Resolution/In/OUT/L/R.  I picked them because they're compact, and plenty of sources/manufacturers that will fit.  Well, just recieved mine, and realized they're ON-(ON) switches.  Upon further investigation it appears that ALL of the style that will fit are ON-(ON), which means you can't tell if they're in the N/O or N/C position, they just click when you press them and then pop right back out, in other words, they don't stay "in" when you press them "in".  This isn't too big of an issue for the GR resolution & Ext in, and could even make due with it for the IN/OUT on the bargraph, but for the L/R on the bargraph, it's an issue, because you'd have no way of knowing if you're showing Left or Right on the bargraph.

I already came up with some solutions:

1) Leave it like this.....ehh, not a fan

2) These are also available in illuminated pcb mount versions.  To integrate provisions to use illuminated switches here would require 2 little boards that the pushbuttons mount to, 1 for the EXT IN/GR Resolution, and another for the bargraph switches.  They'd each have a little connector on them and wire back to the main board.  This would actually result in even less wiring and less soldertail wiring.

3) Remove the Bargraph circuitry from the main board all together.  Make it on an external board.  Make it a stereo bargraph on the front panel like I wanted it to be in the first place.  Just checked, it will fit, I can do it.  It will add maybe $10-$12 in component cost making it stereo.  Not much really.  Possibly might have to lose the GR resolution all together, because I have to still have a toggle for IN/OUT and it won't fit where the bargraph is if I make it stereo.  But, it's possible I may be able to fit all three toggles switches stacked vertically right next to the analog meter.  If doing this then I'd definitely make a tiny mounting board for the 3 to solder to, which will really cut back on wiring even more.


Have you considered these?
Mouser 108-1AS1T1171-EVX or 108-1AS1T2219-EVX
DOH!  No,..........I didn't.  Yes,...........I am now lol.  I never really cared for them much, but considering the logistics of the alternatives, problem solved - THANK YOU!  Please desregard all of my previous post.
Mwahahahahaha.......... Stay Tuned ;D



Wow.....that's some serious ****. I'm in for probably 4. Consider selling kits including PCBs+components please (no case, no faceplate for me anyway)
Good job. Keep it up :)
what happened with the mini pushbuttons?  Did you decide to go with toggle switches instead?

ptown - You priced up your kits yet or is this too early? ;)