Keith, I reading this thread as full of adventures science fiction reading.
I did -3db sum for GSSL mode at Mixbuzz500,
to let more chance to both modes sound good when switching between them, see how it treated.
ruckus328 said:
No drop when switching between Oxford & Aarhus modes
(I compensated for the gain difference when switching)
but be careful NOT to mislead people by claiming the impossible.
Just my $0.25,
ruckus328 said:
Noise levels from 5Hz to 50KHz are at -130db on an RMAA scale. Not too shabby. Too be honest the power supply is overkill at this point, but NOBODY will have noise/power issues. The grounding scheme is very simple, just a simple wire from the power supply to the star ground, pin 1 of the inputs/output XLR's to star ground, and IEC ground to star ground as well of course.
That's interesting. I am not best in numbers. But, at first glance,
there's no a/d or d/a audio chips with 130db dynamic range.
OK, maybe, it is souncard from alliens.
Let's get INTO numbers. Maximum output of GSSL can be +22dbV.
I mean 0dbv=1V RMS. OK, in DBM ref 1mw/600Ohm this can look 2.2db more.
Than, if we measuring maximal headroom, OK, we feed signal till cliping,
this is our max ref, than shorting the input, this is noise floor.
What I really can't understand, 130-22=108dbv
I don't remember what is thermal noise of single 20k resistor, IIRC a bit more.
-108 dbV noise floor with one THAT chip and 20k resistor.
Without taking into account other stuff. IMPOSSIBLE!
ruckus328 said:
I've got THD readings of .002%.
This is PURE ********!
Or, maybe, you measured the THD with bypass in. Happens

THAT Datasheet shows 0.01% for A grade.
Distortion does not goes down significantly in case of paralleled VCA's.
S/N maybe. I can assume that wit 8 paralleled A grade VCA's distortion will be arround
0.01% but .002%.
Yes, it was typo again