OK, you're right about the standard character mark:
" standard character format. This format provides the broadest protection because it protects the words themselves and is not limited to a particular font style, size, or color. "
The protection is pretty limited however as described here:
Trademark scope of protection
"You can’t register a word, phrase, symbol, or design as a trademark without specifically identifying the goods or services being used."
So I reiterate, it is in no way "for the number 49"
If you want to use the number 49 for basically any good OTHER THAN A MICROPHONE is unrestricted (or related products, stands, cables, etc). However, for people to think they can
call a microphone a 49 without it having any infringement on Neumann is kind of strange...
The ability for big companies to quash people with lawsuits is a different subject than the actual legal protection (but related).