Honestly... whoever propagates this crap about "Baby VR's" needs a kicking.
The 44 and 55 use the same technology as the VR only in so far as they use 5534s and a similar mic pre. The mic pre is nothing special, by far the worst mic pre you'll ever find in a Neve console.
I've thought that last opinion over BTW, and I really think it's accurate.
Mods? -Sure.
Replace the EQ with something parametric if that's what you want. Replace it with a passive Inductor based jobbie if that's what you want.
Mic pres: try replacing it with a decent transformer and something better than the 5534, or better yet, use an outboard mic pre.
Routing matrix: -You might want to build one.
Dynamics: -If your console has them, wire them into permanent bypass.
Honestly, the 81/82 and V series probably really were the low spot of sonic character in large frame Neve consoles. The whole design really was an attempt to homogenise and modernise the type of construction using 5534s and other changes. I for one don't like the V series all that much: I'll grant you that it sounded a little better than the SSL E series and possibly the early G series, but that's not saying all that much.
The VR was the first analogue Neve to have recall. That's the only reason it took off. In much the same way, the SSL was the first all analogue console to have total recall, and it revolutionised studio bookings, therefore it sold -not because it sounded any good, but because it was good for business.
Comparing the 44 to a VR, well, it shares some of the design and construction techniques. That's it, really. Everone who picks up one of these orphans defends it with the self-justifying assertion that "it's like a baby V"... get over it. It's like saying that a Ford Fiesta is like a baby GT40. -I suppose they're from the same company, they have manual transmissions and they share the same number of things like wheels and tyres, but in terms of what they're built for, they're about as similar as whipped cream and dog turd.
Sorry if I sound a little jaded, but I get this all the time. -If it really was like a baby V (and don't forget, they made a lot more 44s and 55s than V's, so there are plenty more of them out there) how come you don;t find them in recording studios?
My advice: sell it.