Hello.... here is a link to some pics, a little messy, but it works and I think it sounds great !
... some concerns though ... in the schematic Tube Pin 1 is listed as +55vdc, I'm getting+78vdc, Pin 6 listed as +105vdc, I've got +181vdc - both seem too high. Pin 3 is listed as +1.7vdc, I have +1.6vdc, seems ok , ans Pin 8 is listed as +1.8vdc, I'm getting +0.87vdc, seems too low.
Just concerned about the large difference in voltage readings from schematic to what I'm getting.
should I try and increse the values of R6 and R9
and my HT is +273vdc In,. and getting+239vdc after R13, schmatic lists +235vdc so that seems o.k.
any thoughts ... anyone ?
Thanks ;D