No Box!

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Southern CA
Hi, I found a great box for an M49 build coming up, and I ordered it from

But that was Oct 3rd and now it's a month later and...

No box!

They took the money and...

No box!

I called them bunches of times they don't answer their phone, and I emailed them a bunch too, no response.

Fortunately I ordered with PayPal so I've got a dispute in with them but that still leaves me with...

No box!

Anyone had any dealings with these guys?

Anyone found a good box for this microphone, besides the FleA one for 130 Euros? I really don't want to be left with...

No box!


Hey Mike,

Sorry to hear about your dearth of box. And I don't mean to trivialise your situation but I read (sung) your post to the tune of "My girl" by the Temptations. Works a treat!

I have checked out some heavy duty large cigar boxes on Ebay to turn into mic boxes. There was one on there when I was checking it out a while back shaped like a giant 'M'. Just add a '49' badge and instant awesome.

Also, if it makes you feel better I recently got burned on a 2700 USD studio console...

I've dealt with them before. Bought a Red capsule head for an 012 from them, no complaints about the transaction. But that was probably close to ten years ago, so who's to say what's changed since then. Hope you get your box soon. :(
Thanks for the replies. I still haven't heard from odd! I'll just let the PayPal resolution process continue. Makes me wonder if something happened to them? The site seems legit and they have a phone number and they are even rather local to me...but they don't answer the phone or return calls/emails. Strange.


Possibly…. the site says copyright 2008, and I don''t think it has been updated in a while.

So the PayPal resolution process completed and they are refunding me the $116.04 for the box. Apparently the seller never contacted PP at all to dispute the issue, nor did they contact me to let me know they would ship me the box.

While I'm happy to get the money back, I'm bummed because this leaves me with...(don't blame me, you knew this was coming!)...

Yeah that was a website that I believe at one time was linked somehow to the BLUE microphone people. They havent been doing that for awhile. Might contact BLUE directly.