NRG studio lawsuit

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mulletchuck said:
y'all see this? 

"Legal battle brewing between North Hollywood recording studio, Crossfit"

They should countersue on the grounds of noise pollution

"Kanye West, Jay-Z and Miley Cyrus, use these studios."

I've been there before. There has to be at minimum 3 walls between the two spaces. I can't see how a sound proof studio  is having issues unless something odd like sharing a foundation  which  they are separate buildings a few feet apart so I don't see how that is possible.  I could see if there was construction going on but that is not the case here. Sounds to me liek NRG does not like their neighbors  is all. A proper studio keeps outside sound out and inside sound in. 
The low frequency generated by the dropped weight may be pretty hard to insulate, even if you have proper insulation the damping on the floor to keep the rumble out means you need a lot of weight over the dampers and then you need more or bigger dampers, if the studio was already builded, as is the case, it would be pretty hard to do it, and wasn't a problem till the gym installed there. In my old university there was a project to build a recording studio, 4th floor of the new building, train station across the street, rails only 30 or 40 meters from the building front, where the studio was meant to be, analyzing the weight needed for the suspended chamber inside the studio to avoid noises from the train, in order to keep the LF rolloff of the damping with dynamic loads on the needed range with no one there (let's say only one singer singing, very low dynamic load inside, compared to higher loads like a complete orchestra with many many people inside plus instruments and some equipment was too much for the 4th floor structure, thus the project was rejected and they need to find a new location for it. Now they have a new project in a campus a few miles away, right on the mother earth floor so no loading problems there.

A couple of years back when I was having some hard times I actually rented my studio live room out to a personal trainer who had been kicked out of the gym he had been using.  He had been told by the gym that his clients and him were to loud (he taught self-defense/mixed martial arts as well).  It was only for during the AM to maybe early afternoon and didn't really get in the way of clients and work but I can attest that there was some definitely strange yelling at times as his clients attacked the dummy/punching bag. It was'nt that it was loud as much as it was just unnecessary and ridiculous.  The real beauty though was them actually yelling: "hi-ya" which more than a few times got some chuckles from us in the control room while waiting for them to be done.  For the most part they are just annoying people (but honestly harmless)  For instance they needed to use the restroom way more than "normal" people (all that vitamin water I imagine) and I had to remind them constantly that they didn't have to flush everytine they peed or to make sure to turn off the sink when they were done.  A  handful of times they asked where the showers were.  I definitely didn't love it when they screaming while lifting some weights or punching the dummy at 8 am but like I said times had been tough and I could think of worse things to hear.  I eventually landed a soundtrack gig but since I really never used the studio in the am kept up the relationship for another couple of months since it was extra cash and always good for a laugh or two (or 3 or 4 or...)  So I understand the studios frustration but they are certainly missing the silver lining here; they're going to miss out on some pretty awesome comic relief.  The kind that often shows up wearing neon spandex and yells "hi-ya" when hitting a dummy. :)
pucho812 said:
I've been there before. There has to be at minimum 3 walls between the two spaces. I can't see how a sound proof studio  is having issues unless something odd like sharing a foundation  which  they are separate buildings a few feet apart so I don't see how that is possible.  I could see if there was construction going on but that is not the case here. Sounds to me liek NRG does not like their neighbors  is all. A proper studio keeps outside sound out and inside sound in.

If you watch the video, the reporters/camera crew for the story heard the rumblings in the control room while they were shooting.    it's not NRG not liking his neighbors. 
They are right by the subway station. I would bet the sound has nothing to do with their neighbors but with the train below.  They just revamped that whole area. What once was a bunch of small businesses  turned into a bunch of high rise condos and apartments.  Could easily be many outside factors then they gym guys
if that subway hasn't bothered 'em for years, what makes you think it's bothering them now?    again, if you watch the vid, the sounds picked up by the camera in the control room sound like weights being dropped.
Not worth getting into argument wise. Weight or no weight not my problem.  ;) More over if something like that can cause problems what else is wrong with the studio?