> the selection of the recovery times. i'm a bit stumped
According to the data: you need three SPST switches for Attack, three more for Recovery. The switches short pins A, B, C to ground, or go open. Ground is "0" and open is "1". The table in Note 2 tells what you get for each of the 8 possible combinations of 3 switches. All 3 shorted is 4S recovery, C shorted and A, B open is 400mS.
Instead of 3 switches, you get a "hexadecimal switch" or "BCD decimal switch" such as DigiKey 401-1037-5-ND. (Do NOT get "complement".) Connect switch pin "C" to ground, switch pin "1" to limiter "A", switch pin "2" to limiter "B", switch pin "4" to limiter "C". Ignore switch pin "8": what you really want is an Octal switch, but they don't make them any more, you buy a 10 or 16 way switch and ignore the excess.
It would also be possible to do this with a simple 1-pole 8-throw switch. Ground the wiper. Start connecting diodes, band-end to the switch, to the ABC terminals marked "0" in Note 2. Position 0 has no diodes. Pos 1 has one diode to pin A. Position 7 has three diodes, to A B and C.
You could also use open-collector TTL chips to interface to a PC printer port... total overkill for one or two such boxes.