Michael Tibes said:
I found this offer for opa2604s on ebay, for a very good price if they were real:
Does anyone know how to determine whether these are fakes - or are they obvious fakes?
I've had some really great quality cables made in China that were obviously not genuine, but were fantastic for testing and mucking about. I've also had some garbage that just didn't work at all.
Problem with an opamp is that they could have virtually any circuit inside, so even if they were functional it'd be hard to tell if they were genuine OPA2604 without freezing them, sawing them open, and putting them under a microscope (and yes people do that in the industry, sometimes just to see what competitors are doing).
I tend to view Chinese stuff (or indeed any online stuff) as a gamble. Sometimes it pays off. Sometimes it doesn't.
Difficult to get outdated chips and linear ICs like a dual FET for non-critical kit e.g. a cheap DIY synth?
Yes, that's certainly worth a try in my opinion, if only to keep costs down.
Anyway, you can normally rejig the circuit just to use a FET op amp buffer instead of a discrete dual FET if it doesn't work out.
Difficult to get components for repairing an important piece of kit like a genuine vintage analogue synth?
Probably not. Why would the Chinese have stocks of surplus 1970's or even 1980's US components?
Taiwan maybe, but mainland China? Could also affect the resale value of your gear.
Easy to get components for an important new piece of kit that are just a few euros cheaper?
No. Never.
OPA2604 falls into that last category for me.
Why install an OPA2604 (that may be fake) when you could use a cheaper genuine op amp like an TL072 or NE5532? If the answer "is I really don't want a TL072 or NE5532", why take the risk? Because that might be exactly what you're actually buying.
eBay price = ±34 Euros Farnell price for 20 OPA 2604 = ±80 Euros. 20 TL072 only cost 8 euros. Mouser ±63 or 75 euros if you get caught for VAT. 20 TL072 will also only cost 8 euros.
So you're saving maybe 46 euros max on genuine OPA2604's. If you actually need less than exactly 20 chips, the difference also reduces.