No, C3's value still needs real-world testing, will probably end up in the 100n or 47n region (that determines the low-cut frequency, roughly).
You're welcome to experiment with that, though
Now I remembered that I had actually previously tested this Lo-Cut option in the position you preferred in the KSA 87+ design
There was a time when I was testing different transformers with different core sizes, in the u87i only cardioid circuit.
So with 2N3819 CEN, Idss=7.6mA, D1z=33v, transformer NTE10/3, C8=470nF C12=56nF :
C7 between 1.5...2.2uF slightly increased the bass (by a maximum of 10%, subjective of course)
With C7= 3.3...4.7uF the bass did not increase, (probably being limited by the core size of the transformer)
Conversely, when I reduced C7 from 1uF to 820nF, 680nF, 560nF470nF, I noticed substantial reductions in bass (subjective)
What I'm trying to say is that this capacitor C7 behaves according to a different formula in front of the transformer than a capacitor located between the output of the jFET and the base of the BJT (emitter follower). I think that due to the different impedance and the interaction of C7 with the transformer (with which it forms a filter)
That would mean that a combination
C3=68nF/C7=1uF would not be optimal. As you said, it must be experimented practically.
I hope I managed to express myself in English and it makes sense.